Crazy Achievements

Just tell me about the craziest zaniest things you've ever done successfully with or without cheating. I myself Highjacked Stardock Alpha and used it for my own personal ship.

uh...? You... "Highjacked Stardock Alpha and used it for my own personal ship"

How did this come about... exactly...?


Uh-oh. . .been smokin' again? What you're talking about is not possible.


I've made sprites out of planets so you can fly the around.

Looks really funny when you fire Laser turrets at people.



it's simple. play final battle and edit the station under ships in EV-edit

' Ace Battlepilot

Just give me a Miranu Gunship, give me orders and watch me kill those F'in B_st_rds!!!

Uhm... using EV-Edit to crack plug-ins is cheating...

"I don't say yes or no, more like the other way around"

Ankh Starrunner, The Diamond Blaster

If I remember correctly, isn't there a mission in the Final Battle plugin that has you try to destroy Stardock Alpha? I think so, since there would be no other reason to put a ship of it into the plugin. Anyway, you could, theoretically, get the mission, start fighting the station, abort the mission, disable the station, board it, and capture it (Probably not likely, since it probably has an astronomical crew complement...) I've heard of people doing this to capture the Dreadnaught in EVO.

Personally, I haven't done this outrageous. Although, I have dominated the Tronoth Homeworld of Torg (sp?) in the Quantumire Trilogy. Of course, I had a war cruiser at the time, so it's not such a big deal...

(Insert witty remark here)


Ace Battlepilot wrote:
Just tell me about the craziest zaniest things you've ever done successfully with or without cheating. I myself Highjacked Stardock Alpha and used it for my own personal ship.

I've destroyed a Confederate Cruiser and all its fighters in a Rapier.


I think Ankh Starrunner destroyed an Alien Cruiser in a shuttle

Andrew Meilstrup / JAE / Coruscant Software, unInc.

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