Best weapons

I want to know about the absolute best weapon you have ever created using EV-Edit and i want to see how it measures up to mine. Here goes:

Mine is called the Energy Dispersal Field Generator. What it is is about 32000 specifically engineered proton turrets with 32000 inaccuracy. What it is is millions of proton bolts shooting out from all sides of the ship. Now this is not a hit everything weapon. What they do is after targeting a ship, they all swarm out from all sides and, not going after the ship, they begin to circle your ship, acting as a field. Anything inside the field that is targeted after they are deployed is hit. IN the event that you keep on one target, they will continue to orbit your ship for a few seconds and then simultaneously bolt to the front of your ship and hit in one spot. Upon reaching that contact point they all shoot off in different directions only to gather in a tight mass and head directly for the targeted ship and vaporize it. Only after the ship is destroyed is there a 50% chance that the next ship you target will become a beacon for the remaining bolts. Come on and challenge the generator! For people answering this also answer the best ship topic.

' Ace Battlepilot

Just give me a Miranu Gunship, give me orders and watch me kill those F'in B_st_rds!!!

Try this mean SOB: (url="http://" o")'%20Doom.bin(/url)

Andrew Meilstrup / JAE / Coruscant Software, unInc.

(url="http://"")My website(/url), (url="http://"")the Coruscant Software website(/url)


Whoah, ****. Ace, is that just how you plan it to work, or have you actually made a plug like that and it works? If you have, please send me it; that sounds friggin awesome. Would you mind if I used something similar in my plug-in (you'd get due credit)?

Hey Andrew, your plug is corrupted; have a description?


(url="http://"")EV:O Revenge(/url)

"I hate you more than ever Milkman Dan."
-Katie, from RedMeat.

(url="http://"")The Onion(/url)

(This message has been edited by ShadeOfBlue (edited 02-03-2000).)

YEp, the weapon already works, just choose your weapon graphic and plug in the stats with EV edit and you have a swarming death machine. Reply to this and ill send you a picture of the stat screen. keep in mind that only have the time does it hit the new target as i said but jsut give me the signal and we'll talk.

' Ace Battlepilot

Just give me a Miranu Gunship, give me orders and watch me kill those F'in B_st_rds!!!


Ace Battlepilot wrote:
**YEp, the weapon already works, just choose your weapon graphic and plug in the stats with EV edit and you have a swarming death machine. Reply to this and ill send you a picture of the stat screen. keep in mind that only have the time does it hit the new target as i said but jsut give me the signal and we'll talk.

<font color="#11BBFF">Well, I use ResEdit, but it doesn't matter: the stats are the same, EV Edit just looks better.

It doesn't really matter that it doesn't hit the target half the time; I was looking for an excuse for a ship to have low shields (the ship would have low defensive shields -the regular kind- but high offensive shields), and high armor.

Let's talk. 🙂


(url="http://"")EV:O Revenge(/url)

"I hate you more than ever Milkman Dan."
-Katie, from RedMeat.

(url="http://"")The Onion(/url)


Ace Battlepilot wrote:
**I want to know about the absolute best weapon you have ever created using EV-Edit and i want to see how it measures up to mine. Here goes:

Mine is called the Energy Dispersal Field Generator. What it is is about 32000 specifically engineered proton turrets with 32000 inaccuracy.

How can this work? The max shots on a screen is 64. If you have a series of weapons which shoot more than 64 bolts then no other ships can fire while the EDFG is working. If you then have the reload set to be greater than the total number of EDFGs or it will be able to fire continuously to the exclusion of all opponents.

We have a similar device in Galactic Scourge:
"While one or two Expanding Sphere Generators (ESG) are virtually useless, a ship fitted with tens to hundreds of these lasers is deadly. Each ESG is mounted on track-and-pivot racks (TPR) which are installed all around your hull to create an expanding bubble of destruction around your ship. Vessels without a factory-installed TPR can only be fitted with a maximum of 10 ESGs."

We found that 100 ESGs (reload=101, count=20, massDmg=50, endmg=50, speed=1800, guidance=4, inac=180, impact=50) is sufficient to generate mass destruction.

We have some better weapons, but they have their limits:
"The Nicolet turreted deathray is the ultimate in offensive weapons. Unfortunately the mass (2,600 tons) restrictions make it prohibitive for use on ships and the coolant makes it impractical for use on space stations and planets. This has, however, not prevented an impressive level of galactic distribution and advertising." (beam: reload=2, count=120, massDmg=100, endmg=100, speed=15000, guidance=3, inaac=0, impact=1)
"Destroy all aliens with the latest from NASA anti-xenobiology (Code SSX). The beam initiator (shown) shoots a series of zeptosecond cosmic ray pulses into an artificial spatial rift held by orthogonal quantum filament composites. Be sure to have your Hilbert Space Capacitor inspected every 3,200 hours of use or the rift may escape." However it only works in one ship (basically a gun with a crew capsule) (beam: reload=1, count=5, massDmg=200, endmg=5, speed=5000, guidance=0, inaac=4, impact=-550).
Oh there is also the suicide shuttle
"Some of your ship's antimatter can be loaded into this ship and fired at your enemy. For the life of one crew member you can destroy virtually any ship. Both the 10,000 price of the ship and the insurance for the pilot are included in the total cost. Note that due to antimatter instabilities the ship has a limited lifetime. Since the pilot has been significantly intoxicated, he/she may not be able to avoid all asteroids."
(beam: reload=520, count=3000, massDmg=5000, endmg=5000, speed=325, guidance=2, inaac=0, impact=32767)

Details at (url="http://"")http://www.geocities...416/weapon.html(/url)

The limitations of these weapos modulate their power to make them reasonable. After about 30 seconds, super weapons become dull. Oh, these items were made with ResEdit, so they may not work in your little contest.

Please forgive this long pointless message. 😉


(This message has been edited by IonStorm (edited 02-04-2000).)

Mine: the antimatter charge. Basically it's a torpedo whose explosive was swopped out for antimatter. Since a lot less antimatter is needed for a bigboom, maneuverability and speed are smowhat improved.

It's not a fancy weapon. But it works.

Haven't heard of it? Of course not. I haven't released Fringe Benefits yet.

KIRK: Very funny, Scotty - now beam down my clothes!


ElGuapo7 wrote:

**Mine: the antimatter charge. Basically it's a torpedo whose explosive was swopped out for antimatter. Since a lot less antimatter is needed for a bigboom, maneuverability and speed are smowhat improved.

It's not a fancy weapon. But it works.

Haven't heard of it? Of course not. I haven't released Fringe Benefits yet.


I hate to be the one to tell you, but the torpedo in EV is an antimatter based weapon already (read the description)

100 bottles of beer on the wall, 100 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it arround, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.....

I think that weapon sounds really cool, although I do fail to see how you can do that with Ev-edit (i seem to do nothing but corrupt my plug-ins when i use it). However, in response to your question, I think I have a weapon that's fairly good.

From my plug-in; Vanguard:
It's called a Barrier Shield. Impactors have them. What they do is, you fly your ship toward the guy who needs killing, activate the barrier shield, and ram it. Your ship flies through unharmed, but as for the target, that's different.
Sounds easy, but due to the immense power used, you need to have your timing exactly right, as the barrier shield only stays active for about half a second.
The idea's good.
