Which is better?..

I've got a question...
Which ship is better, the Rebel Cruiser or the Confed Cruiser?

"An informed question, but quite hard to answer."

They aren't that different from each other. Confed Cruiser has more shields, and more room for weapons. Rebel Cruiser is, however, cheaper and more maneuverable.

I like flying a Rebel Cruiser more (because of its maneuverability) but to my opinion, Confed Cruiser is a better ship, because of its stronger shields and AWESOME room for weaponry. Plus, the Confed Cruiser looks much cooler.

They both can be equipped very well, and both of them can be turned, under skilful player control, into a perfect fighting machine. These things eat planetary defences for breakfast.

Personally, though, I prefer my well-equipped shuttlecraft. 😉

"I don't say yes or no, more like the other way around"

Ankh Starrunner, The Diamond Blaster

Well, the thing is..
I'm currently in a Rebel Cruizer, and I just destroyed a Confed Cruiser, and with a 9% chance, I took it over, and now im faced with the decision. I have the tractor beam and the clocking device, and the rebels really like me, but the confed ship looks awsome, so i'm not really sure what choice to make...


Also, if I decided to take the confed, would the rebels attack me then?


umm yes, and here is some more info....
Bad news, you havta do the Confed missions to get the patrol ships available to you, so I would recommend sticking with the Rebs...

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LoL, you really think that I didnt notice that?
I disabled it before its patrol ships could take off.


(This message has been edited by TooL (edited 02-05-2000).)

I say you should just try the 'Fed cruiser for a while- if you like the Reb cruiser better, you can switch back, if you don't

Anyways, shouldn't you be able to get more PS's by disabling and boarding them?


"You're doing it again." "Doing what?" "Glowing." "Does it show?"

AIM: EVBasilisk

(This message has been edited by Basilisk (edited 02-05-2000).)

uh, basilik, you might have a hard time disabling a patrol boat. I've been playing EV for 4.5-5 years, and done it TWICE...

All hail the Keeper Of Souls, owner of all things true!


KeeperOfS wrote:
uh, basilik, you might have a hard time disabling a patrol boat. I've been playing EV for 4.5-5 years, and done it TWICE...

Yeah yeah yeah. Were you trying to disable it?


"You're doing it again." "Doing what?" "Glowing." "Does it show?"

AIM: EVBasilisk


Basilisk wrote:
**Yeah yeah yeah. Were you trying to disable it?

You would do well to notice the fact that a Confed Patrol Ship wouldn't appear to have any armour, thus making it impossible to disable.

"I don't say yes or no, more like the other way around"

Ankh Starrunner, The Diamond Blaster


Ankh Starrunner wrote:
**You would do well to notice the fact that a Confed Patrol Ship wouldn't appear to have any armour, thus making it impossible to disable.


He means the Confed Gunboat, which has very little armor.

Andrew Meilstrup / JAE / Coruscant Software, unInc.

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Gunboats are simple to disable. One heavy rocket exactly disables a fully-shielded gunboat.


Moderator, EV Developer's Corner.
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No no no, what I was saying is it sucks that you can't get more patrol ships, in case you lose any.

Once one of the patrol ships dies, thats it... unfortunatly there is no way to get more, thats always the reason I never keep the Confed Cruiser when I get it, because you eventually end up with a empty, useless patrol bay....

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