Anyone have /any/ information on EVGE?

Like updates, etc.?

Also, the last time I asked this (which I can't find on the board...) I think I only got one reply, and I'd like to see if anyone else has an answer:

Has anyone ever found the disabled Proxima ship? I've looked everywhere for it, but never found it (including inside the system it's supposed to be in). I have the combat rating for it...



As Far As I Know, There Have Been No New Updates To EVGE, Except For The Devolpment Of EVGEf, A Version Of EVGE That Is "Complete". If Memory Serves Me, Mike "Firebird" Was Working On This Project, So You Must Find A Way To Contact Him. As To Your Question About The Proxima System Start Missions, They Can Be Done, They Simply Require Some Patience. I Have Completed This Mission Set. The Proxima Ships Are Most Excellent, But They Still Don't Compare To The Alien Command Ship. Do You Have Any More Question's, Flamed?

Entil'zha My Friends, For In The End, That Is All We Really Have


The Proxima mission is there, and it took me about 30-40 take-offs and landings from the planet Talaria(?). One word of advice: start the Alien missions first.

Well, work is progressing slowly...don't ask about it. No definite release date. Nothing.

Mike Lee (Firebird)


I went to the EVGE web page but it wouldnt let me d/l it becasue the directory was missing. here si it now?


Thanks, guys. 😃
