Coming very soon...

Those of you who enjoyed The Quantumire Trilogy will be happy to know that I have almost finished Quantumire: Return. Return adds new ships, weapons, planets, graphics, sounds, and over 80 new missions. Just who are the Outcasts? Find out this February - that's when Retrun is slated to release. Return will require that you already have The Quantumire Trilogy v1.0.3, and v1.0.4 is reccomended. You'll already have to be pretty far into the game to start getting the "Return" missions, too. Happy hunting...


Graphics. Games. And more...
(url="http://"")Meowx Design Studios(/url)

:rolleyes:Hooray :rolleyes:, go work on Dark Realms some more.

Andrew Meilstrup / JAE / Coruscant Software, unInc.

(url="http://"")My website(/url), (url="http://"")the Coruscant Software website(/url)


Umm first off, I am a very critical person, and in being that I give my opinions on everything about a plug, even if its a small detail. So don't take this to wrong of way...

One of the things I HATED (sorry...) about Quan Tril was that everytime I warped into a system I would immediatly be killed, by umm... oh what's their names...
After about 10 minutes being killed 800 times, I took the plug out. Could you in the future, NOT make it so damn hard to start.

I would certainly give other suggestions about how to approve it, but as I said I only played for 10 minutes.

BTW: Your comm picts were off centered.

And remember everyone.....
Its always best to go and play EVO when you are making plugs, it helps your's get more 'EVness'

-Mikee J
Lazy megalomanic


Well, you're not using the most recent version, silly!! Go download the v1.0.3 updater from my site and they (the Tarkyls) won't go crazy on you!


Graphics. Games. And more...
(url="http://"")Meowx Design Studios(/url)

Hey David, will you be using your much improved graphics skills for Return? And will it be a bit more creative than using the original EV systems and planets (including their graphics)?

Mike Lee (Firebird)


Firebird wrote:
**Hey David, will you be using your much improved graphics skills for Return? And will it be a bit more creative than using the original EV systems and planets (including their graphics)?

Mike Lee (Firebird)

Keep in mind that Return will be an add on, so everything you DIDN'T like about Quantumire (like the un-original systems and ho-hum graphics) will still be there. Rest assured, however, that all new stuff will kick maximum ass. Why take my word for it? (url="http://"")Check it our for yourself!(/url)


Graphics. Games. And more...
(url="http://"")Meowx Design Studios(/url)

Great news, David. Really waited for a long time for something to come from you. Will I be able to use my pilot with all missions from Quantumire completed?
Anyway, it's great plug-in and I'm probably gonna play it again from the very begining.

Best regards


Meowx Design wrote:
Well, you're not using the most recent version, silly!! Go download the v1.0.3 updater from my site and they (the Tarkyls) won't go crazy on you!

Actually, they still go crazy on me WITH the 1.0.3 update!

Andrew Meilstrup / JAE / Coruscant Software, unInc.

(url="http://"")My website(/url), (url="http://"")the Coruscant Software website(/url)


Well, you're not using the most recent version, silly!! Go download the v1.0.3 updater from my site and they (the Tarkyls) won't go crazy on you! </font>

Actually, they still go crazy on me WITH the 1.0.3 update!

Yep, me too, as of last night. And where is version 1.0.4 to be found? The website only has 1.0.3 update.


Hmmm, they still go crazy? I may write a definate non-crazy updater. It sounds like 1.0.3 doesn't fix this. It was supposed to, ah well.
As for 1.0.4; well, I'm not really sure what all is changed form 1.0.3 to 1.0.4, so there will not be a 1.0.3 -> 1.0.4 updater. It's nothing overly major. v1.0.4 (the whole thing) will be avalible to download off my site sometime soon now.
And yes, you will still be able to use your old pilot file. This is reccomended, as you'll get into the new stuff quicker.


Graphics. Games. And more...
(url="http://"")Meowx Design Studios(/url)

Just to add my 2 cents worth, I have the 1.03 update and it seems to me the tarkyl always go crazy on you.
