[admin] EV/EVO storyboard?

As many of you know, I am knee-deep in redesigning the escape-velocity.com web site (as well as all of our "product" web sites, and the Ambrosia web site as a whole -- it's a large project).

One of the cool things I've come up with is a "story" display system, which we're now using for our online newsletter, The Ambrosia Times. This system allows stories to be posted (complete with formatting and images), the current "featured" story is displayed on the main page, older stories are archived & searchable, and people can easily add their comments to the stories.

I think it's a neat system; you can see an example of it in use here:


To the point of this post: I got to thinking about the number of stories I'd seen people write about EV/EVO over the years, and I'm considering making a "soapbox"/"notes from the underground" section on the escape-velocity.com web site where users can submit stories about EV/EVO and/or editorials of some fashion about EV/EVO.

Of course, these stories would be reviewed by an admin from the community before they went live, and they'd be posted no more frequently than once a week, to ensure that everyone's story/editorial got a fair shake as the featured article.

So, that do you think? Anyone think this is a good idea, and would like to see it happen?

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

Sounds good in thory. There are some good EV/O stories out there. But if it is a linear format (new stories above older ones) how do you propose to handle serials or other stories that are sent in pieces over time?

Sounds like a good idea, might encourage me to start writing again.
