Story Line Problems

Ugh... HELP

I decided to get a lot of money first, do a lot of missions to the point of having around 1.5 mil, and a good gateway. I'm also a 'Grade 5 Uplink Agent: Mage'.

When i tried to start off the story line, this is where my problem starts. I get to the point where i try the passwords the guys sent me, they don't work. I then disconnect and wait for a email, i get warned or slammed in jail. Or if i delete my logs i never get an email.

I have a registered version of Uplink, what am I doing wrong? (oh and i have a back up of my character)

(Edit: added pic. Thats what happens..)Attached File here...png (19.04K)
Number of downloads: 125

This post has been edited by Dark Jet : 30 April 2006 - 05:47 PM

I've tried twice, same problem, any help would greatly be appreciated...

Maybe if you provide more details, in a step-by-step format, we might be able to assist you.

Sorry it took so long for me to reply, i had some stuff i need to take care of. I also run into the same problem with a different agent..

Okay here it goes:

I click on the map, bounce through all of the uplink servers then to InterNIC, and then through all of my other servers till i reach ARC Central Mainframe. (I have tried bouncing through a Access Terminal and the Internal Services servers but still wont work)

Once connected i click on the User password part and then click on the saved password area. It loads: Maniak, mysocratesnote in the correct fields. I then click proceed and it says invaild name or password. The trace traker still says no trace. I then disconnect and connect to InterNIC.

Once there i delete my routing logs and then disconnect. After that i hit the fast forward button. I hacked the CM on April 29th, (game time) and waitied till May 17 (game time) and recieved no email.

Hope that is discriptive enough.


@dark-jet, on Aug 24 2006, 12:45 AM, said in Story Line Problems:

Sorry it took so long for me to reply, i had some stuff i need to take care of. I also run into the same problem with a different agent..

Okay here it goes:

I click on the map, bounce through all of the uplink servers then to InterNIC, and then through all of my other servers till i reach ARC Central Mainframe. (I have tried bouncing through a Access Terminal and the Internal Services servers but still wont work)

Once connected i click on the User password part and then click on the saved password area. It loads: Maniak, mysocratesnote in the correct fields. I then click proceed and it says invaild name or password. The trace traker still says no trace. I then disconnect and connect to InterNIC.

Once there i delete my routing logs and then disconnect. After that i hit the fast forward button. I hacked the CM on April 29th, (game time) and waitied till May 17 (game time) and recieved no email.
Hope that is discriptive enough.


You actually have to break into the system. Try the username "admin".


ohh... i thought so.. once i break in thought, what do i do? just look around, disconnect, and delete my logs?

You don't have to hack into it.

Just connected straight to the mainframe (no bouncing! use the main screen instead of the map) twice. You want the error message

They'll contact you.

but every time i do that its game over... and i know your supposed to get the error message.

If that doesn't work, watch the mission listings. Eventually, one pops up that gets you into the story.
