'sploding a computer system cause they needed an elite hacker... or something

so Im supposed to be permanently putting certain computer systems out of order, either by resets or viruses.....

how the heck do i do that?

Usually I'd just ignore that, expcet its the only mission that ever shows up anymore...

First, let's go the virus route. If you have a copy of Revelation, this mission type is fairly easy – assuming, of course, that you can get in. Remember to go through a trusted system, and have the administrator's voice ready.

Access the fileserver. Copy Revelation to their drives.
Leave the fileserver.
Access the console.
Type the following:

cd usr
run Revelation

This will obliterate the server in question, without any more work on your part.

If you don't have a copy, then ignore the drives.
Access the console, and type:

cd usr
cd ..
cd sys

Note that it is not necessary to wait for the commands to finish executing before entering a new one.

Still, Revelation is faster.

Remember to delete your logs...

This post has been edited by Aelran : 04 June 2006 - 05:38 PM

Also, the mission won't be complete until a news item shows up that says that such-and-such a system has been hacked and destroyed. If you use Revelation, this will happen instantly. If you use the console delete commands, it takes a few hours (game time).


mkdir blah
cd blah
mkdir blah
mv blah ../

But only if the server runs 10.2 or earlier.

This post has been edited by KedFiller : 04 June 2006 - 05:28 PM

I find that sudo srm -rf / is much more effective.