Help - Step by step Lan Hack

Can someone give me a step by step method of hacking into a lan to steal files? Thanks


Do you have every piece of LAN software? If not, get it first.

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"What goes up must come down, unless it reaches Escape Velocity and flies off to Palshife to join the Rebellion." -mrxak

Check out for a good guide. Also, at Ambrosia's own Uplink site, under Add-on Files, there's another guide.


There's also information within Uplink itself.

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"What goes up must come down, unless it reaches Escape Velocity and flies off to Palshife to join the Rebellion." -mrxak

I have all of the tools, and I have not been able to figure out how to hack a lan from any of the help files. All I need is a step by step approach, such as click on objectA...Use lan_??? on objectA and then ...


Pop open the lan view and use the lan scan. A few things should pop up. Then use the lan probe on all of them.

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It's only paranoia if it's not true...

What about after that?


Yeah, this took a bit of experimenting to figure out, and I also think that the game doesn't tell enough about a LAN to make them intuitively hackable.

So, a semi-step-by-step from me:

(Assuming the lan stuff has all been bought and the HUD:LANview is also available.)

Connect to the target LAN, preferably through another of that company's systems.
Make sure the monitor is off. You'll be here a while.

You will see a screen saying, in effect, "Shoo." Don't worry, you're still around the LAN, just click the HUD LAN-View icon, probably next to your connection-analysis HUD button. Then you'll see the text disappear and the representation of the known LAN show up.

Run a probe on the thing that you see. Other symbols should pop up and connect to the probed machine. (Alternately, a LAN scan will bring up pretty much all the symbols but not the connections between them.) Probe a connecting symbol and more connections may or may not show.

While poking around the LAN in this wise, you'll notice a 'dotted line' between a symbol and the machine that you entered the LAN in. This represents your connection within the LAN, like the world map represents your IP connection. Clicking a 'back' button will send the connection back a step and clicking on a probed machine will move your connection a step forward.

You'll find various obstacles which I'll leave to you to figure out. Uplink ISS talks a bit about when (and where) a spoof is needed, I think. You rarely if ever need to force open a lock, but if you do, it stays forced. However, you might need to hack into various machines in the LAN (with awful, non-secure passwords (grin-lots of them refer to a quote in the movie "Hackers")) to get some information to get further in the LAN.

Your goal in a LAN is to get into the central machine, with the Uplink symbol on the monitor, which pretty much acts like any other target that you've dealt with by now, except that the system administrator and his cronies watch it like a hawk, so even a monitor bypass won't keep you in the dark forever. If you need a voiceprint, use it first, then get to the admin password. The sysadmin will be on you and quickly cut you off, long before the active trace is close to finished. Just work quickly and delete/copy/modify manually but quickly. You may need to make two trips, but the second trip goes much faster than the first.

Hope this helps.

Getting on everybody's nerves since 1999.

And that's a wrap!

Play over.

The audience is pleased. 🙂

Maniak hacks like

Thanks that pretty much solved my problem!


It works!
Tra lalalala


can u guys gimme links to get all the nedded software to hack lan , and another thing what if i just wanted to boost all the internet speed.

When in doubt, buy it all!

Essentially, you want LAN_*. The main server is also well-protected. Fo that, you'll want the Password Breaker (!), a Decypher (when in doubt...) and a VoiceAnalyser. You need the admin's voice – check the company's servers.

Might I suggest you not close the VoiceAnalyser before completing your task? You may well make multiple trips to the server before you can get things done, as the SysAdmin is going to be kicking you off a lot.

General note: If you have to destroy a database, a copy of Revelation can be quite helpful.

EDIT: "Thread of olde... arise from thy grave"

This post has been edited by Aelran : 10 April 2006 - 04:55 AM

Calling this gravedigging doesn't give it justice... this is NECROMANCY.

We have had worse, prophile.


Sorry. I had no choi– wait! What's that?

Since grave digging is just about the only kind of posting that goes on here anymore, we don't need to discuss it every time. It's fine. Just pretend it's a new topic.