Mass copy mission

Cannot upload file to server

Hi guys,

I'm doing a mass copy mission.

Files are on a LAN. I've managed to copy them and have them decrypted.

Since I didn't had enough avail mem to copy them all in one sit, I was copying them a bunch at a time.

At the end I realised I had copied a file not pertaining to the database.

And now my last file cannot be uploaded to the file server!

I tried deleting the file that does not belong to the database and the correct one to his memory bank. But to no avail!

I cannot conclud the mission? WHAT NOW? Is it a bug?

Help, guys? :blink:

Well, you should be able to just delete the file right off the database, and then add in your own one.
Of course, if you really want to get it in there, if I was you, I would crack the file server, and delete it. Becuase if you cannot delete the file, it is probably becuase you do not have an admin account on the server...