Help with Uplink

Personally, I have never played Uplink and do not need help with it. However, this guy called "truth" who has only done one post does (maybe does, probably doesn't anymore - but lets help him in case he still does), and he posted in the Uplink FAQs, and I went in there for some reason, and no one has replied. So, here is his problem:


originally posted by truth Sep 14 2004, 09:25 AM

Okay no matter what, even if I haven't hacked anything ( I did it as a test) I am accused of being caught hacking into someones primary system on April 1st. Now if this is because of some demo flaw, something must be wrong because I bought my copy of uplink off the ambrosia site. Any ideas people?

I have replied to his post in the FAQs directing him here.

This post has been edited by gaming121 : 18 November 2004 - 05:25 AM

Let's see, your sure you haven't hacked ANYTHING?

If that is the case, I would think that it is either a bug, or
you did something that caused you to get traced.

I would suggest that you, in addition to using these boards, send
and email to the ambrosia staff.