Game isnt working right..

When I started it up, message boxes didn't have any text in them and when I tried to click on the buttons they wouldn't work and I would have to move the mouse around to find a different spot to click. What is wrong?

This post has been edited by poofy107 : 09 October 2004 - 04:31 PM

What message boxes, what text, what buttons?

Nevermind. I got to the point where I have to choose some spot on the map for a gateway or something and I click on New York and nothing happened.

Yeah! had that same issue. Here's what i did to resolve it:

save out your user file so you don't lose it. Delete the rest of the game off of your hard drive. Download the game and re-install. All of a sudden i could see the LAN links and whatnot. Let me know how this works for everyone else.

Do what he says, then try preferences (sometimes works for me with graphics errors in other games).

Otherwise, give David Dunham a jingle at his e-mail and see what he can do.

This game requires OpenGL, doesn't it..

I think so... that may be it. Did you check if your video card is up to par with the game's requirements?

As I said, give David Dunham a jingle at his e-mail and see what he can tell you. Look for his account in the FAQs for all the games and get his e-mail or something.

The David knows all... :laugh: 🆒