need help!

need help trace hacker

i need some info on how to trace the hacker. and what will you add in the info.

'Kay. Unfortunately I dont have Uplink registered, but I know how to trace hackers, 'cause I do it with NPCs.

What you do is you look in the computer logs of the hacked computer and trace it. IP Lookup is vital for this. Then... okay, Ill give you an example. was hacked!


Log-on from 618.9.00.344
444.011.999.155: Accessed a file
More meaningless logs like bounces, etc

You go to 618.9.00.344. In all likelyhood it will be a Mainframe or Internal Services machine. Hack the logs there. The log from Blah Internal Services is...

156.00.917.817 routed to 618.9.00.344
blah blah blah

Lookup 156.00.917.817. Go there. Of course, if this is the hacker's computer, take note of his/her IP and report it to your employer. If not, keep tracing the logs like in the example above until you get to a computer that says...

Ed Windham's (or whoever) Computer

No external log ons permitted.

And there you go!

Cheers! :laugh:

Thank you very much