Proxy Bypass

hey, im really new to uplink, but i think its a great game. i downloaded and tried it like a few months ago, but couldnt finish the test mission (i dont know how i could screw that easy thing up) then yesterday i started new with a new name for the second time ever, and found it to be an awesome game. ive already gotten to the highest ranking for unregistered accounts or whatever. wasnt too ahrd. but now ive gotten some mission that pay more, but they said i need to bypass a proxy, so i bought the HUD upgrade thing that you need to purchase bypasses, and bought the proxy bypass, but i dont know how to use it. whenever i try to hack the password to the site, my trace tracker says i have around 20 or 25 seconds, and that obviously isnt long enbough to change criminal records or social security info. im pretty sure i know what to do, once i get in, but i cant get enough time, and i dont know how to use the proxy bypass.

To use a proxy bypass, you open up the HUD, it will take a second to analyze the connection, when it is done there will be a little box that will have a lock on it, go to the that thing that has all of your programs on it, open the proxy bypass, and put it on that square with a lock on it.
To get yourself more time to do whatever needs to be done, go to InterNIC, and just add some links to your list of them so they appear on the world map. Or when you are hacking into one of the government systems, use the readwrite username instead of the admin one (you will have to type it in yourself before using the password cracker however).