Upgraded Hardware - software disappeared

Well, ripped again - this time by the gateway upgrade technicians...

I bought HUDAnylyser then got a proxy bypass, monitor bypass then checked all there - yep.

Upgraded processor to 200ghz and after it got installed - no more bypass software.... man this is annoying - such dishonect uplink shop in my version.



I've had it not show up before, but I just keep re-opening the software menu, and it eventually shows. This usually happens for my Log Deleter, and Password Breaker. Although since it is usually on a time sensitive hack it can be very annoying. It did get me caught once actually.

What version of Uplink are you using?

(This message has been edited by Wumpus (edited 06-23-2004).)

latest version - in actual fact I am sick of all this.

I have paid $25 US dollars for a pre-release game I think. Too many unstable things for $25.
I hope it gets upgraded so the gameplay is more compelling.



I was under the impression that, when you order a new gateway, they cart your old one away, software included. I see it as a normal part of the game.

EDIT: Okay, it seems I was mistaken.


(This message has been edited by -esw-dragoon_77 (edited 06-29-2004).)

I think in an earlier version, they did take away all your software when you got a new Gateway. But they don't in 1.3. I've never had a problem with it, and they say "All your software and memory banks have been transfered to your new Gateway" when you log back in. So it must be a bug or something


It gives you a notice that when you purchase hardware it is going to take like 24 hours and all you hardware from your old computer will go to the new one, so it should be there. The problem could be that the computer doesnt support what ur trying to buy, becuase i bought the 10 gls modem twice, and it still said my bandwith was 1, and i was on the orignal gateway.
