Upgrade Gateway

got 30 grand - upgraded gateway - got 2 emails - disconnect then reconnect - no new gateway?
went from 1 processor to 2 and then tried to buy another processor - 100ghz and my original processor got replaced... so I was ripped off by the shop.

I had to do heaps more missions then wen to upgrade again - same problem. SO I blew 30000 approx trying to upgrade.

Then I got busted and banned. But this was because my gear was too old --- Anyone know why the shop ripped me off?



When u buy gateway upgrades it says they will be installed within 24 hours, they dont appear as soon as you buy them like software


Thanks for the reply.

Problem is I waited for a couple of 'uplink' days - fast forward time etc. This doesn't ruin my pruchase if I fast forward time does it?

Anyway - real time wasted from uplink shop rip off - will try again as I like being a martyr.



All Hardware takes 24 hours to install, so you first get one email saying the installation is commencing, then another saying it is complete. In the second email (if it is a gateway upgrade) it asks you to disconnect, then reconnect. If it works your greeting by a screen saying something about enjoying your new gateway. So try reading both emails just to be sure, then disconnect. I've never had that problem., even though I've bought several hardware upgrades.

Depending on your gateway, it holds only so many CPU's. Anything below the KRONOS Workstation only holds 1 or 2. So if you have 2, and buy another, it will merely replace the first one. I accidentally did that once.

Don't waste money on the lower level CPU's always try for the 150 or 200. Same with software, it ends up costing you a lot more in the end, if you buy them version by version. Always shoot for the highest.
