LAN Problem

I haven't played the game in a while, but just reinstalled it and planned to start playing again.

My problem is this. I am able to hack LAN's, get any files I need, etc. but I ALWAYS seem to be caught by a passive trace, even when I've deleted the logs on TWO servers! Whenever the system administrator disconnects me from the LAN, I always immidiately delete the logs on 2 seperate servers (the public government server as well as the tutorial server) but it doesn't seem to help. I've never been able to get away with a LAN hack despite deleting the logs I left behind.

Do you have to specifically delete the logs on the LAN? Or is there something I'm not doing that needs to be done for LAN hacks specifically? I can get away with any other hack on any other computer, but when it comes to LAN's, even taking extra precautions with the passive trace doesn't seem to help.

Have you tried to bounce through more systems? If you are only bouncing through two or three systems, then they can find you before you even finish your objective. It could also be that you aren't using a high enough level log deleter, so see what happens with a level 4 log deleter. And finally, are you sure that you are getting caught from hacking into the LAN? It may be that when you last backed-up your agent you had already been caught.

Welcome to the boards and enjoy you stay!


None of the above unfortunately. I generally bounce through enough servers to have about 60-120 seconds before the active trace can find me. And the admin will usually disconnects me after 10-30 seconds. The amount of servers is at least a half dozen, but probably more like a dozen (including banks, and government servers).

I only purchase the highest version of the software, and always use the best log deleter (deletes the log and then covers it with any remaining logs).

Regarding whether or not it was the LAN, that was a good question. I actually wondered that myself the 1st time. The 2nd time around I made a mental note that it clearly stated I was caught hacking the LAN I had just broken into for a mission.

Thanks for those suggestions though.

Could it have something to do with the fact that I usually connect to the LAN multiple times in order to delete/copy the neccessary files (don't have enough time to do finish when I log on the first few times)? If memory serves me correctly, I don't recall changing the order of the servers I connect to before I connect to the LAN, although I did delete the logs immidiately being after disconnected from the LAN.


That could be it. Try waiting a minute before you reconnect. I would think that would be enough to make the log times different so you don't get caught by accident.

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"When you burn your bridges, just make sure they aren't in front of you." -mrxak

Hey, maybe this will help info wil help me improve my 0 for 14 record against LAN's. It's heartening to know there are others in my boat.

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"If by being abnormal we are normal, and by being normal we are abnormal, we create a paradox loop and therefore we neither exist nor not exist. We simply are."
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