Copying voices

i need to get past a voice security thing to get into a mainframe.
got the voice analyzer software (forgot it's proper name) and rang the guy on his cell phone to get a sample but can't quite work out how to make the software work.

does it automatically record the voice? how do i get it to speak the phrase in that voice?

what do I do?


Welcome to the boards and enjoy your stay. Because you were vague in your description of you problem, I'm just going to tell you the proper procedure for what you are trying to do. First you open up voice_analyzer, then you connect to the phone of the proper person, after this your computer will call the person, he will say something like "Hello? Hello? Hello?" and hang up. The voice_analyzer will have recorded his voice and will spend a short time analyzing it, now you connect to the computer of system that you needed the voice for and go to the security thing that seeds the voice, and click on the button that replays the voice. Now you should be done, and please note that the voice_analyzer forgets the voice in it when you quit it, and that the voice_analyzer can't store more that one voice at a time.
