Agent List Part 4

Ok I have the windows verson (I've heard that the fourm for that verson is a bad place for new people) and I've managed to hack the Uplink Internal Services Server and got the Agent list program and the data files (I also decrypted them) but I can't seem to find part 4 of the data (I have 0 to 3 and 5 to 9) on that server. There are about 4 names plus my name that do not have the agent's real names.

Is it on another server or is it non existant?


Welcome to the boards and enjoy your stay, and thats an interesting name you've chosen. About your problem, I haven't actually tried this myself, but i have herd that it doesn't exist.


It's non-existant.

The game cannot know your real name so it generates the other agent names so that your agent name would be in the 4th file alphabetically.

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