
I was playing the game and a corporation informed that I was hacking, do I have to start over as a different name? I tried loggin in but all I got was a stat screen


You have to start over

An there is no way to resurrect the usr file, so don't ask 🙂

"It's like he still speaks to me... Ere I Am, J.H., the ghost in the Machine..." -Eugene Helpmann, Ministry of Information

Miah Helpmann is right. I just have one tip: duplicate your agent file often. I mean often.
By the way, what put you in the slammer?


Originally posted by richiestang_78:
**I was playing the game and a corporation informed that I was hacking, do I have to start over as a different name? I tried loggin in but all I got was a stat screen


Husband: Why can't all of the countries just stop bickering and realize that they can live together like one big family?
Wife: Bite your tongue!
See the upcoming EVN Star Wars Plug! (url="http://"")

I was also caught, but not fined or arrested, just a nasty email to stay off of their systems. It was just a "copy a important file mission with low security". I had accounts on all of the banks, and an a hacked admin account on most of the servers. I bounced through all of those, logged in with the monitor bypassed, found the file, copied it and then was kicked off. I didn't understand how they found me so quickly, my trace tracker was only maybe 5% or so. I've been deleting my password & bounce logs on internic. Any ideas??
Thanks, Tony


TonyKZ1: Is it possible that you were running the game at fast or very fast speed? The longest time I ever got left until trace was about 900 seconds (15 minutes). Running on fast speed would make them pass withins seconds. That would be the only possible explanation, as they can't kick you off when you are have not been traced.

(url="http://"")Here's a discussion forum for my upcoming plugin Dark Swarm.(/url)
(url="http://"")EVN: Miners - small TC done within a week.(/url) (5,1 MB)
(url="http://"")Extension to the plugin above (large shipyard images).(/url) (1,9 MB)

Thanks Arion for the reply, its possible that I was at high speed, but that had happened before on me so I've been pretty careful to be sure I'm at the normal speed when doing a hack. Also the monitor bypass only protects you while your cracking the login password, right? As soon as I login the tracing starts.
Thanks, Tony


The monitor will still protect you if you log in on a non-admin account (if one exists on the server you're hacking), but the admin account is suspicious enough to start a trace.

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"When you burn your bridges, just make sure they aren't in front of you." -mrxak

i got caught after a novice rated mission then i went to uplink internal systems after deleting my logs and i got caught. how and how can i avoid it


What the hey kinda mission was that?

"It's like he still speaks to me... Ere I Am, J.H., the ghost in the Machine..." -Eugene Helpmann, Ministry of Information

(This message has been edited by Miah Helpmann (edited 01-16-2004).)

If it's only a fine or a warning, you should hack into the GCD and clear your record.

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"When you burn your bridges, just make sure they aren't in front of you." -mrxak