bank related thingy

Well i was having some big difficulties with the banks and transffering. and i thought id share some advice on some things i forgot that made it unsuccesful.
i had done a 11000 to me and 2200 for mission successful somehow

well i found a $1,006,181 bank account so i really wanted to learn the banks. this is what i would HIGHLY reccomend having
log delete v4
monitor and proxy bypass v5
password cracker v1 and trace tracker v4
voice program
I think thats it
i go to interlin get about 30+ links. go bounce about and save it. go to bank of choice. get phone #
and go fetch the voice with the voice thing by calling it, u wont be traced but u should still bounce juts incase! lol
go back to bank, turn on monitor bypass and proxy bypass if u have it
do the voice thing first( this shouldnt trigger alarm if u dont have monitor bypass)
do decrypter, turn power to full on it, than password
go into accounts, hit pause! write down data, unpause, hit right, pause, repeat until timer is running down or whatever. u can do them all at once if u have monitor bypass. if not than like 2 or 3, and delete all logs of you just entering admin account and what not and pull out. and go to interlin and delte all logs(always shold have always deleted in here)

you should have no problems doing this

tricky part
boucne all thru things
turn on proxy bypass(must have) and monitor if at all possible(makes life easy)
create account at bank
than access the bank account # of your choice
transfer money to your account
go delete log of transaction to your account
log out of account(not bank)
go to your account and erase the receiving log(i forgot to do this for the longest time, i just didnt know)
if there is tracking, disconnect and reconnect, if no tracking than just go to admin
well your in admin. rehack if u need to, doing voice first
log in. and delete all your logs of accessing the server and accounts. there shold be several. and than u can pull out

than go delete interlinc and erase logs
hit >> and if ur caught. it will tell you immeditially

i advice baking up your user account before trying 🙂

i forgot to erase the logs onto server
and receiving payment logs alot(this is why i kept getting caught)

total of 4 different places u NEEd to delete logs


You actually don't need to delete the logs at the admin part of the bank. Just delete the transfer logs at both ends and your first bounce (should be InterNIC).

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