Bank Transfer Problems

Ok. I'm having problems. I can't transfer money from one bank account to the other.
I've tried it 30 different times across 3 different games, and it just won't do it.

I'm entering the IP correctly, I'm entering the account correctly, I have the funds.
But it ALWAYS says transaction failed.

I also delete the 'fill in' text before typing in values.

Does anyone have ANY idea on what might be wrong?
Superb game, but it's getting close to Apr.5, and If I don't pay this fine, the government is gonna bust me!

Also, I'm sure I'll have to transfer funds as the game progresses! Any ideas?


Are you sure you have the amount available that you're trying to transfer?

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Yeah, I have 1200, and I'm trying to transfer 1000.

I even tried all various amounts just to make sure.

It's all very odd!

Thanks for the response, though!


Oh my god. I'm such a moron.

I was typing




.... oops.

Sorry for the bother!!!
