Bank Hacking

I've hacked a bank once, but now i can't do it again. I've transfered the money to my account on that same server. i've deleted the logs on the stolen account, my account and then i transfered the money to my uplink account. I deleted my transfer. logged in to my uplink account and deleted my logs there too. From there i hacked into the first server i went though and deleted my logs there too. But i still get caught, what am i doing wrong?


Someone really should make a good guide for bank hacking on this site. Maybe I will some day...

In the meantime, here is how to hack banks, not get caught, and get lots of money and Uplink status: (I'll start with how to do it assuming you have lots of cash.)

originally posted by me a while ago:


Here's what I did to get tons of money and terminal in about half an hour:

1. Get all equipment neccessary, such as a trinity with best hardware and software. (I usually do this by robbing a bank the hard way, with nothing but a proxy disable, the gateway you start off with, and a little help from a "trace a recent balance transfer" mission.) You can do it however you feel like it.

note: I'll explain this later, and then you will have the best of everything to do this.

2. Find a bank through InterNIC. (search for "bank") Of course, if you already know of one that is un-hacked, you can use that, too.

3. Create an account on that bank to transfer all of that banks money to. PLEASE NOTE: You do not need to transfer your money to your original Uplink account. Many people seem to think you do. I have at least 6 different bank accounts on all my files. If you want to pay for something using another account, simply make sure it is highlighted when you buy whatever it is. The same works for recieving payment. You don't need to cover the tracks when you spend/recieve money from these accounts, as the money in them appears legit.

4. Find the bank's public access server. (search for the bank's company's name)

5. Get the Admin's phone number and call him up. Record his voice and keep it ready.

6. Hack into bank, bouncing through lots of stuff, using InterNIC as your first bounce. (I usually use at least 10, and much more if I don't have legitimate or temporary user access on them) Save the connection, you're going to be using it several times.

7. Get into the admin account, and copy down all account numbers. (You don't need the passwords since they won't be remembered unless you use the cracker, and it's faster anyway. Plus you can't get caught for it as long as you use a moniter bypass.) Then pull out and cover your tracks before the fun part begins.

8. Hack back in, go to the first account on your list of accounts. Hack into it, take out the maximum loan, and transfer all their money to your account on that bank. (As I said before, you don't need to transfer it to any other account, just leave it in the bank. It is faster, safer, and easier that way.)

9. Delete the transfer statements of your previous actions. (Don't log out of the bank, just switch accounts.)

10. Repeat steps 8 - 9 over an over untill you wipe the bank clean. I usually pull out to erase my logs on InterNIC after every 4 accounts that I rob. (One time a bank's passive caught me while I was still logged into the bank. but doing this prevents that.)

11. Repeat steps 2 - 10 until the desired amount of money is aquired, or the desired Uplink rating has been achieved. (once you get up around Expert, you have to rob around 4 accounts to level up, but with this method, it happens very quick.)

Now, you may be wondering how to get the money in the first place. For this, you must rob a bank "the hard way."

Do small time missions untill you have the highest version of the following programs:
Log Deleter
Proxy Disabler
Password Breaker
Trace Tracker

When you see a "trace a recent balance transfer" mission, take it. Proceed with the mission. You are requried to find out where a large sum of money was sent. When You find this out, take careful note of the IP and Acount Number. Hack into that and disconnect once you have the password. Now you have the account and password of a very rich person. Delete your logs.

And now you can wait for me to get back to a computer and finish this, because i have to leave now. It might be a few hours. If someone else wants to pick this up, they can, but I will finish it later if no one else does, or If they leave something out.

Bright is the moon high in starlight
Chill in the air cold as steel tonight
We shift, Call of the wild, Fear in your eyes
It's later than you realized (Metallica-Of Wolf and Man)

You might just not be fast enough. Banks passive trace extremely quickly.

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password breaker only has one version lol

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Yeah, but you still need to have it. I think that's the point he was making.

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"When you burn your bridges, just make sure they aren't in front of you." -mrxak