Bank hacking question

I have broken all security means at a bank where i am supposed to transfer money from one account to another but i cannot seem to find the way in to "manage" the acccount. Everytime i try to crack the "manage existing account" name and code entry my password breaker closes as soon as I click on the target. I desperatly need to know how to do this. Any help will be well recieved.

Sphinx: Alive and hacking.

You have the wrong account number. If the password breaker closes immediately like that, there is no such account.

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i have the right account number. I dont know how to get in to manage the account. Do I input the guys name and then the the password that i got from the banks database or what?

Nevermind, I have figured it out.
Sphinx: Alive and hacking.

(This message has been edited by Sphinx (edited 01-02-2004).)