Problem with "Donation" missions

Hi, during the "Our esteemed colleague wishes to make a donation" missions, I keep encountering a problem. What I do is this:
1. Route to InterNIC and then through many other computers to the target bank.
2. Run the System Analyzer and use Monitor Bypass v.5 and Proxy Bypass v.5
3. Enter the account number
4. This is when the wierd stuff happens. I open up my Password Breaker...go up to the CPU usage screen and increase its horsepower, then click in the password box. At this point, my Password Breaker program disappears and is not shown in the CPU usage box (even though Trace Tracker and Monitor/Proxy Bypass are). I try and open it again, and click on the password screen - same problem. So I can't enter the account.
Could it be that I don't have enough RAM to run 4 programs at the same time? Seems unlikely, but I don't know why this keeps happening.

Any ideas anyone?

Also, once I do this transfer - where do I need to delete logs? At the bank? (I haven't got full admin access since I don't own a Voice Analyzer yet) At InterNIC? At the receiving bank? Can I, just with usual account access, delete "my" own statement logs of the transfer?



When i first encountered that problem it was because i had entered the wrong account number for the person's account that i first connected to. (Also be sure you have the bank and not another machine)
All of the steps you described are just right, so just double check the account number entered in the user id location (the top box).
Other than that i can't help.


Also, use the Dictionary Hacker instead of the normal Password breaker if you have it. I have yet to come accross a bank account that won't be broken with the Dictionary Hacker and it's tons faster!

Everything that has a beginning, has an end!
-Matrix: Revolutions


Originally posted by glynnor92831:
Also, once I do this transfer - where do I need to delete logs? At the bank? (I haven't got full admin access since I don't own a Voice Analyzer yet) At InterNIC? At the receiving bank? Can I, just with usual account access, delete "my" own statement logs of the transfer?



Delete the logs at the two account statement screens. You don't need admin access (and you probably wouldn't want to crack two voiceprints, cyphers, and passwords with bank passive trace speeds.) but you will need to use the proxy bypass. Before deleting the logs, report the mission accomplished so you don't have to abandon a successful mission.

Just get the transfer entry at each account; no others are necessary.

Getting on everybody's nerves since 1999.

No, you just delete your own logs. You may leave the transfer, since it just looks like a friendly transfer. Only your own logs need deleting.

Maniak hacks like

I have to disagree some more here; I've done several of these missions this way and haven't been caught, and the mission briefing clearly says to 'remove any traces of this transfer', so theoretically the intervening hacker's logs should also be removed, but they don't need to be.

Getting on everybody's nerves since 1999.

If you delete the transfer logs before you reply, they won't pay you. They don't have a record of the transfer unless you leave it. Once the mission is completed, you can delete all of those logs if you really want, it's just unnecessary.

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