Hey peoples! Look!

If you are sick of downloading the Ferazel addons from the addons page, or if it doesnt show the time remaining, download from the FTP server!


Good luck!

(This is not a substatute for human interaction)

If your in OS X, you can just hit Command K and bring up the dialog to connect to the server.

Just thought I'd point that out. 😉

(edit- changed from j to k)

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(This message has been edited by Taylor (edited 10-04-2003).)


Originally posted by Taylor:
If your in OS X, you can just hit Command J **and bring up the dialog to connect to the server.

I assume you mean Command-K. Command-J brings up the view options dialog. Just make sure you're in the Finder first, of course.

Come on over to irc.ambrosia.net !
(url="http://"http://ninthkingdom.ferazel.net")OBW: The Ninth Kingdom for Ferazel's Wand coming soon?(/url)

(This message has been edited by PCheese (edited 06-22-2003).)