bank hancking

I can't seem to transfer my money to the uplink bank, only the same bank, even if I transfer it locally and then try to go to uplink, is there any way to fix this, and i can't seem to avoid getting caught either, do you have to delete the bank logs, caus i can gain acces to them easially

Bank hacking for idiots:

1. Connect to the bank.
2. Hack the password of the account.
3. Check to make sure you've got the bypassers. (maybe that should have been step 1 :rolleyes: )
4.Disconnect and setup the bypassers. Connect, transfer money.
5. Delete the logs. (gee that was step 4!)
6. Quickly delete the statement logs. Disconnect, connect to UIB, do the same.
7. Go to InterNIC. Delete the logs. If you succeeded, big $$$ awaits you! If not,

You in jail

8. Back up your guy beforehand in case you fail. (oh yeah, that was step 1)

I sure hope you're smarter than you sound, but I don't really care whether you care or not. 😛

Maniak hacks like

(This message has been edited by Maniak (edited 09-23-2003).)

I used a v.5 proxy bypass, but it still says that the transaction cannot be completed and to contact the admin. Is there a reson that i can't transfer to uplink, i've done a sucessful transfer to the same bank before


Usually the transaction cant be completed because you mistyped something.

Remember you're typing in alot of numbers, I'd check those first; both that you enter them correctly or that you transcribed them correctly earlier.

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Cheat in almost any mac game. Even Nova... Even UPLINK.

ok I'll double chack maybe i copied a number wrong when i was writting it down


It's quite possible you made an error. In any case, make sure you delete the logs, because the bank will stil make a passive trace.

Maniak hacks like

delete the logs in from, in the account to, in the account
3.interNic, between hacks, as bank's passives are the fastest in the game

"He has a company that makes computers. Or a computer that makes companies. Anyway, you wouldn't understand."-Homer

It's hard hacking... I had transferred 100000C into my aco######, deleted the statement log from the acccount that gave me the money, and deleted interIC or w/e it is the logs there.... I unfortunetly forgot to delete the statement log in my account, and by the time I was there,i went bye bye... They are too fast.
Also, is a monitor bypass required as well as proxy bypass? i have v.5 proxy bypass, but no monitor...



Originally posted by skipper2:
**It's hard hacking... I had transferred 100000C into my aco######, deleted the statement log from the acccount that gave me the money, and deleted interIC or w/e it is the logs there.... I unfortunetly forgot to delete the statement log in my account, and by the time I was there,i went bye bye... They are too fast.
Also, is a monitor bypass required as well as proxy bypass? i have v.5 proxy bypass, but no monitor...


You have one minute before someone start looking at the logs and manually trace you. So yes, bank hacking require speed (if not skill and hardware).
And about the monitor bypass, it's just an help, no more. I hacked a bank without any bypass, and I haven't been caught.

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right o... i figured out wut i did wrong.. i didnt delete the statement logs on my account, only at orig. account.
I have now hacked 500000 and 300000, and gotten the best gw, and i got monitor and firewall bypass in addition to the proxy, so its easy now....



Originally posted by joethebarber:
**delete the logs in
bank's passives are the fastest in the game

Yeah...on my first bank hack, when I reconnected to the bank to transfer the money to my Uplink account, stupidly using very few bounces, they began to active trace me as soon as I connected. I disconnected without doing anything, and I guess they traced me through that, because I was caught about 10 seconds later. :frown:

The box said Windows 95 or why doesn't it work on a Mac?

"The box said Windows 95 or why doesn't it work on a Mac?"
How true.......


why bother covering your tracks? get a motion detector and a detonator, wait for the yellow light to turn red then blow it. you still get to keep your cash. back up your important files on a friendly server
you are hacking to get money to upgrade correct? well just get a big money chump and steal his wad o'cash

or was it red to turn yellow, either way it will change that means nuke

(This message has been edited by Mostly Harmless (edited 10-16-2003).)

It only turns yellow if Uplink employees are installing something on your gateway. So it should turn from grey to red.

Maniak hacks like

Technically it turns yellow only if there is one person near your gateway. If there's more than one, it turns red. That means that if multiple upgrades are being done at a time (like if you buy a new CPU and some memory at about the same time), it will turn red. If it goes straight to red and you aren't expecting more than one upgrade, then blow it up.

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(This message has been edited by mrxak (edited 10-16-2003).)

Here are the BEST instructions you'll ever get. you might want to print this . It will take a while to read

: :

This was not written by me.

Hacking Banks in Uplink

v1.0 by admiraldennis (whoever that is)


Hacking a bank is one of the biggest financial conquests you can achieve in Uplink. You generally get about 1 million credits by doing so, thus enabeling you to buy everything Uplink Internal Services has to offer without even going below 500,000 credits. The bank hacking itself can be a bit tricky. Many people think you need a top of the line system to do so -- this is not true. While hacking a bank is a lot easier with bypasses and big fast cpus, you can do it with just a passwork cracker, a proxy disabler version 5, a log deleter version 4, and a few numbers. (One I'll give out to everyone, I being Andre Watson who did not write the rest of this, is:
$Jackpot$ 622.734.459.874, being Highland International bank, the account # is 5063041.)

NOTE: I_strongly_recommend you make a backup of your agent before you attempt this.


Firstly, you will need to complete a 'Trace a recent balance trasfer' mission in order to get an account (which I, Andre Watson, have given you) number with a good amount of money in it (above 1 million credits) . This is not the number listed in the mission briefing but the one detailed in the statement of that person; the account the person in the briefing transfered 'a sizable amount of money' to. You will also need to copy down thi ip of the bank where this account is at.

Now, log into the bank where the target account is at. Make a new account on that bank, copy down your new account number. Now, log off the bank, and log back on, this time bouncing your connection first through InterNIC, then through every abailable system to the target bank (It is strongly recommended you save this connection, as you will need to quickly recover it later) . Connect, go to 'manage existing account' , and for the id type in the target account's id. Begin to run the passwork cracker on the login screen. When the passwork's cracked, disconnect from the bank. Now go to the screen. When the password's cracked, disconnect from the bank. Now go to InterNIC, goto 'Admin' , break the password if you haven't already (they will never trace you for it) , and use the log deleter on the r'routed connection' log(s). Now, go back to your map an load the saved connection. Now, goto manage account, log in using the target id and the password you cracked before. No tracing will start at this point. Now go to 'Transfer Money' . For the bank ip, put the ip of the target bank (the one you are currently connected to) , for account id, put the id of the account you opened at the target bank, and for amount put 1 million ( or in the case of the one I, Andre Watson enclosed, 900,000). Now, run the proxy disabler, and give it full cpu. When it's done, an active trace will have already been started. Quickly hit 'Transfer Money' and go back to the account management screen. From here, go to 'View statement' . Use the log deleter on the 'transferred 1,000,000 to ...' log (should be the most recent) .Now go back, click on 'Done' , and go again to 'Manage existing accaunt' . Now click on the account you created. Go to 'View Statement' and use the log deleter on the '1000000 transfered from...' log. Now discconnect from the bank, log into InterNIC, goto 'admin' and again delete the 'connection routed' log(s) . Now goto the map, load your saved connection, connect to the bank, go to 'Manage existing account' , log into the account you created, and go to 'transfer money' . Start the proxy disabler at this time, and give it full cpu. For the bank ip, put the ip you copied down of the Uplink international bank. For the account number, put your Uplink bank account number. For amount, put 100000. Transfer the money, go back to account management screen, click on 'View statement' . Get the log deleter ready, and when the proxy disabler is done, use the log deleter on the 'transfered 1000000 to' log. Now disconnect from the bank, goto InterNIC and delete the 'routed' log(s). like before. Now bounce your connection first through InterNIC, then to all available servers, ending at the Uplink International Bank. Go to 'Manage existing account ' and log in using your account. Go to View Statement and start the proxy disabler. When it finishes, delete the '1000000 transfered from' log. Then disconnect from the bank, log in to InterNIC and delete the 'routed' logs like before. Now fast forward time for about a day. If you get arrested, you may have not deleted logs correctly. Restore your backup (you did make a backup, right?), and try again. If nothing happens (or your rating increases) congratulations! You're home free with 1 million credits at your disposal! That wasn't so hard now, was it?


Misc. Notes:

  1. You can do this with a proxy bypass as well, but that's quite expensive.

  2. Don't feel bad about spending all your money on being prepared for this hack! If it works, you get 1 million, remember?

  3. If the active trace time is way too short for you, try getting some more connections to bounce off of (put some random ones in your address book from InterNIC), and get admin on more of your jumps


Version 1.0 by admiraldennis (this is not written by me once again, me being andre watson)

Please send me your comments at


My sig is currently undergoing technical difficulties. If you need help, please contact your local board administrator.

(This message has been edited by Andre Watson (edited 10-21-2003).)