Framing Missions

I am quite perplexed with both the missions involving framing someone (bank fraud or destruction of data). I've read the Modlink mission guide and am following those steps. I do the same things every time - sometimes the mission is successful, sometimes it isn't. I've tried many things, but I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing right when it works and what I'm doing wrong when it doesn't. As far as I can tell, I've done nothing differently that might be the cause of the problem.

Has anyone else encountered this problem or am I simply missing something (occasionally) that causes the mission not to work?

Jump HIGH & Swing HARD!!

I believe it needs to be in the news.

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The hack always gets in the news - something about the bank hack or the computer destruction. Only occasionally, will the arrest of the person I'm supposed to frame get in the news. The arrest news item is the crucial bit of info as I can't get paid for the mission until the 'employer' hears about the arrest.

Now, I'm not overly concerned about the cash, but I would really like to be able to finish these missions as you don't seem to get upgraded and get more advanced missions until the current level of missions are completed.

This is all aside from the Arunmor side of the storyline that I am currently playing, as well...

Jump HIGH & Swing HARD!!

Actually, qball, those are the toughest missions you can accept. You can't get any tougher missions (unless you do Downlink challenge or something like that)

Maniak hacks like

Thanks for the info Maniak, although I find it slightly disappointing as I am not yet maxed out in rating and I was hoping for further missions to increase my rank. Ah well, I guess I'll just enjoy the storyline missions for a while...

Jump HIGH & Swing HARD!!