new gateway

If I upgrade to a new gateway-will I lose my software?

you, off my plannet!


-esw-dragoon_77: Doing what he can to fsck people up since September 2001.
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(url="http://";=EV+banter+|AMP|+brawl&number;=10")Something (garbled), this way comes...(/url) | (url="http://"")omg im so l33t!!!11(/url) | Bah. You're Stupid! (url="http://"")Look, see?(/url)
"Always watch out for the cornhole." -dude3

You shouldn't lose any of your upgraded hardware either. I don't usually upgrade my gateway b/c
1. Its expensive.
2. I can make do on a slow computer for now (I'm pretty fast.)

I just bounce my calls a bunch of times, and compromise a few sysems beforehand (get admin access). It's really easy to get admin on the International Student Database, at least for a while (its not permanent).

I'm still on my 1st (unupgraded) gateway, and I hack the Social Security Database all the time.
I guess I'm kind of a nOOb (I'v only had uplink for about a week). Ah well...

A Penny saved may be a
penny earned, but it's a
waste of a deposit slip,
and it really ticks off the

You'll quickly find with the later missions that you NEED the required memory and processing speed to complete the necessary tasks. It's a bunch more fun as well!

Jump HIGH & Swing HARD!!

It's good because important software like Monitor, Proxy, and Firewall Bypassers v. 5.0 are very important. It would be terrible to buy these again every time you bought a new gateway. It would make buying hardware upgrades useless until you got a gateway you would stay with.

Maniak hacks like

I know, but until I get to level 6 missions, I never upgrade. I just get nice software and compromise servers.

i usually buy a processor upgrade to 200 and get the bypassers before i up my gateway, and from there i tend to up it straight to a trinity, but that's just me. Since one you got the bypassers you can rob banks, of course.

"He has a company that makes computers. Or a computer that makes companies. Anyway, you wouldn't understand."-Homer