Use for LANs

Is there a use for LANs other than as a system that is harded to hack into than others?
On of the screenshots on Ambrosia's Uplink site is labeled; "what could be better than having billions of clock cycles at your disposal?" It showed a picture of a LAN being hacked
Does this mean that LANs can be used to do processing or other work for agents?
Anyone who has any clue, please respond.


All i know about LANs is that they're just a big security system, with a computer inside. Just like a central minframe, or internal service machine.

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Those billions of clock cycles refer to your gateway, not LANs. LANs are just more systems to hack, and happen to benefit from those clock cycles.

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Please, for the love of Uplink, don't go off topic!!!

Why can't there be anything really cool about LANs?

I wonder, can the system administrator still search for me in the LAN if I get him arrested?
Time to hack the GCD. I'll come back with an answer.


Hmm... I can never seem to get very far with LANs, there doesn't seem to be anything to do?

I've come across authenticationg servers that have a terminal dubbed a "valid subnet" but there never seems to be a way to connect to them. I can hack anything else on the LAN except those authentication servers. Is there something I'm not doing, or not doing right?



Originally posted by Player:
**Hmm... I can never seem to get very far with LANs, there doesn't seem to be anything to do?

I've come across authenticationg servers that have a terminal dubbed a "valid subnet" but there never seems to be a way to connect to them. I can hack anything else on the LAN except those authentication servers. Is there something I'm not doing, or not doing right?


You need to use LAN Spoof on the thing which is labled as a valid subnet, if there are multiple ones any on eof them will do.


i have a problem with trying to hack the ARC lan i can get through the first hub to an authentication server and a lock and one terminal but another hub after teh terminal i cant connect to some one please help
