Uplink Bank Hack - Is it possible?

I want to know can you get the record the uplink bank's administrater voice. if so where is his phone number located cause it sure isn't at their public server. I'm asking cause I thought why bother hacking banks, getting user names and passwords, then searching for one worth stealing when I could get the uplink banks accounts which must be worth a bomb!

P.S. I know about the "trace a recent bank transfer..." mission so please don't bother with that tip. It works fine but i was just trying the other way to see of it was worth it.

Hopes and dreams are
little things, yet they are
enough to bring down
Kings - Ralph Shipard

Nope. Not possible.

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Thanks for replying. I'd guessed as much from the fact that nobody had replied for so long. But thanks for bothering to say so anyway. Guess I'll just have to find something else to occupy my time with, like figuring out how the hell a LAN works.

Hopes and dreams are
little things, yet they are
enough to bring down
Kings - Ralph Shipard

It is possible
Break in as admin, search all accounts, get the number and password of any accounts
disable or bypass proxy and monitor
create an account at the bank
go to a stolen account and transfer money to your account at the bank
use log deleter to clear the statement on both accounts
go back to admin and clear all logs

It worked for me, with the right accounts u can get millions
I got nearly 3 million, and havent been caught weeks later

To have the account numbers, you need to hack in the admin section.
To enter the admin section, you need the voice print of the admin.
And there's no way to get the voice print of the Uplink admin 😛

Oh, btw, there's only one account in Uplink bank: Yours.

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