[ANN] InterLink , the Uplink Theme editor, released !

Arios Software releases InterLink.

A free application for creating Uplink themes

July 24, 2003 -- Arios Software announces today the release of
InterLink, its Uplink theme editor. InterLink allows you to change most
of the colors in Uplink with minimal effort. InterLink allows you to
easily choose the colors you like and at the press of a button generate
an Uplink Theme - the only thing you need to do is drag it to your
Uplink folder! InterLink includes detailed information to help you
choose the right colors for the right part of Uplink - press the Help
button to access all the information you need.

InterLink is a free application and can be downloaded from Arios
Software's website.

And if you want to see what InterLink can do but you don't have time to
make a theme yourself? Don't worry because InterLink contains a sample
theme. Just drag the sample theme folder to your Uplink data folder.
Then launch Uplink and choose "Advanced options" on your right and then
choose "Edit THEME options" then just select the sample theme and press
apply , log in to your gateway to see the full effect of the changes.

_Note : In order to use themes in Uplink you need to have a
registered copy of Uplink. _

You can download my application here:

http:// (url="http://"http://www.ariossoftware.com/products/interlink/")www.ariossoftware.com/products/interlink/(/url)

About Arios Software

Arios SoftWare produces games and utility programs for the Macintosh.
Founded in 1999, Arios SoftWare strives to fill the needs of Mac users
everywhere. Arios Software makes both free and shareware applications.

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(This message has been edited by Entarus (edited 07-24-2003).)

Is it OS X native?


Compilers - the ultimate god games.
(edit) I wish there was a preview feature on this board. (/edit)


Originally posted by Kidglove II:
**Is it OS X native?



Yes , you can download the OSX version at the site. It even works in panther. 🙂


-Nothing lasts forever-
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