C0ZM0's World Progress Log

C0ZM0's World 0.4.3 has been released.

This is a minor release, because it only adds a new feature, new icons. Now you can select from 4 c00l icons for your CW file, a wand (the classic CW), the CW logo, the XiX logo and the Ice Wall pic.


(I've always wanted to do that)

(url="http://"http://xixproductions.cjb.net/")XiX Productions(/url)
I can see you. I can hear you. I know everything you're doing. I live in a world made of fire. I live in Flame-Flow Flash. You're never alone. Download C0ZM0's World!

Message arriving from (url="http://"http://www.xixproductions.cjb.net/")http://www.xixproductions.cjb.net/(/url) :
Sent by C0ZM0

_I think Stormy Seas will be the last level of CW for a while.
I have no time to make the next level because I'll probably be
getting Mac OS X soon and it will take a while until I'm done
experimenting with it. ๐Ÿ™‚ I may still release bug fixes though, but
the next level will probably not e done before autumn.

And I have another project, I think I've figured out how to add new
tilesets or sprite faces. But I'm not sure, I will report when testing
is done._

End message from (url="http://"http://www.xixproductions.cjb.net/")http://www.xixproductions.cjb.net/(/url)

(url="http://"http://xixproductions.cjb.net/")XiX Productions(/url)
I can see you. I can hear you. I know everything you're doing. I live in a world made of fire. I live in Flame-Flow Flash. You're never alone. Download C0ZM0's World!

0.4.4 is done, but not yet released. I will upload it as soon as i can...

You'll never guess what this new release does: It fixes some bugs! (And adds some icons)

(url="http://"http://xixproductions.cjb.net/")XiX Productions(/url)
I can see you. I can hear you. I know everything you're doing. I live in a world made of fire. I live in Flame-Flow Flash. You're never alone. Download C0ZM0's World!

heyd00d. Sorry I didn't post my e-mail addy before. It's ferazel_09@mac.com. I'd like to test the world, please.

Taft's Law: "If 'pro' is the opposite of 'con,' then 'progress' is the opposite of 'congress.'"
Norman's Household Hint: "Give me a home where the buffalo rome, and you've got a room full of buffalo chips."
Canada Bill's Supplement: "A Smith & Wesson beats four aces."
Westheimer's Rule: "To estimate the time it takes to do a task, estimate the time you think it should take, multiply by two, and change the unit of measurement to the next highest unit...thus we allocate two days for a one-hour task."

0.4.4 is released. 0.5 is ready for alpha. But my iMac DV is not. Yes, this means that A Path to the Fire is done.

(url="http://"http://xixproductions.cjb.net/")XiX Productions(/url)
I can see you. I can hear you. I know everything you're doing. I live in a world made of fire. I live in Flame-Flow Flash. You're never alone. Download C0ZM0's World!

After some months, I'm back again. My iMac is being fixed right now, but there's a thing in A Path to the Fire that I don't remember how to fix. I started the level from Fire in the Hole and tried to remove the PxMid. But when I play it, there's just the weird-colored thingie at the bottom of the level. I haven't used MASCOT in a long time, so I don't remember how to fix it anymore. Anyone who could help?

PS: XiX4 (XiX Productions Home Page 4.0) is done, but not uploaded yet.

(url="http://"http://xixproductions.cjb.net/")XiX Productions(/url)
You're not gonna get out of here, unless you beat all the levels! Download C0ZM0's World!


Originally posted by (0ZM0:
**After some months, I'm back again. My iMac is being fixed right now, but there's a thing in A Path to the Fire that I don't remember how to fix. I started the level from Fire in the Hole and tried to remove the PxMid. But when I play it, there's just the weird-colored thingie at the bottom of the level. I haven't used MASCOT in a long time, so I don't remember how to fix it anymore. Anyone who could help?

PS: XiX4 (XiX Productions Home Page 4.0) is done, but not uploaded yet.


In Level info the Layering type should be set at 0. If you do that It shouldn't matter whether you have the PX Mids there in mascot.

Incidently if you take the mids out of mascot and don't set layering to zero your colours will go crazy in the game, which is probably what happened to your level.

My problem has always been putting the "^&*()" things in when I want them. The only way I can manage it is by copying one of Ben's levels.

Liz the Wiz ๐Ÿ™‚

I truly believe that all deadlines are unreasonable regardless of the amount of time given.

(This message has been edited by lizwiz (edited 01-01-2003).)

Than(url="http://"http://www.xixproductions.tk/")x(/url). ๐Ÿ˜‰

It seems that I'll get my iMac after a week or so. Man, I've been lazy. It's been "out of order" for 3 months now...

Happy New Year 2003!

(url="http://"http://xixproductions.cjb.net/")XiX Productions(/url)
You're not gonna get out of here, unless you beat all the levels! Download C0ZM0's World!


Originally posted by (0ZM0 (that's me :p):
And I have another project, I think I've figured out how to add new
tilesets or sprite faces. But I'm not sure, I will report when testing
is done.

What I meant was that you could have added these tilesets of sprite faces into the FWWD file, so that no separate titles/sprites/BGs file would be needed. My theory was that if the ID of the sprite is 7000-something, it will pick it from the FWWD file. This was because the world map's ID is 7000.

Unfortunately, it didn't work. But I don't know, there may be some other ID that allows this...

-------------- (url="http://"http://www.xixproductions.tk/")XiX Productions(/url)
---------- Hmm... Maybe I can let you out
------ if you give me 10000 coins...
-- Download C0ZM0's World!

(This message has been edited by (0ZM0 (edited 01-03-2003).)


Originally posted by (0ZM0:
**What I meant was that you could have added these tilesets of sprite faces into the FWWD file, so that no separate titles/sprites/BGs file would be needed. My theory was that if the ID of the sprite is 7000-something, it will pick it from the FWWD file. This was because the world map's ID is 7000.

Unfortunately, it didn't work. But I don't know, there may be some other ID that allows this...


There is! I don't know how many yet but you can add tile sets and/or backgrounds into a FWWD file. The trick - as far as I can make out - is to use an ID that is not used in Backgrounds. If you look at the day2 file in the (url="http://"http://12days.ferazel.net")12 days of Christmas(/url) you'll see that I've added a custom background to the data file. The same can (I think) be done with tilesets.

The only problem that I can see is that if you add too many backgrounds it starts to make the FWWD file too big. With the sprite patches day 2 comes to 3.7 Mb. The sprite patches are about 1.2 Mb.
Liz the Wiz ๐Ÿ™‚

I truly believe that all deadlines are unreasonable regardless of the amount of time given.

(This message has been edited by lizwiz (edited 01-03-2003).)

COZMO, how did your iMac break? Was it that it wouldn't start up, and needed to go to a repair shop? And it seems that you have made progress on CW, even without the iMac, so, does it even need to be fixed for progress to continue?

Key Part in the making of Xichra's Revenge.

Oblivion awaits...


Originally posted by lizwiz:
**There is! I don't know how many yet but you can add tile sets and/or backgrounds into a FWWD file. The trick - as far as I can make out - is to use an ID that is not used in Backgrounds. If you look at the day2 file in the 12 days of Christmas you'll see that I've added a custom background to the data file. The same can (I think) be done with tilesets.

C00l. I have to test this!


Originally posted by ferazel_09:
COZMO, how did your iMac break? Was it that it wouldn't start up, and needed to go to a repair shop? And it seems that you have made progress on CW, even without the iMac, so, does it even need to be fixed for progress to continue?

It could start up, but it kept crashing almost all the time. Disk First Aid said something about invalid key length and that some desktop index thing was damaged (I have a Finnish MacOS9 so I can't translate it correctly). TechTool crashed in the middle of the desktop check - every time. Then, suddenly almost no apps could be launched. The icons became the basic application and document icons. I tried to rebuild the desktop many times but it always froze. Then I took it to a repair shop and I'll probably get it on Monday or Tuesday.


-------------- (url="http://"http://www.xixproductions.tk/")XiX Productions(/url)
---------- Hmm... Maybe I can let you out
------ if you give me 10000 coins...
-- Download C0ZM0's World!


Originally posted by (0ZM0:
**It could start up, but it kept crashing almost all the time. Disk First Aid said something about invalid key length and that some desktop index thing was damaged (I have a Finnish MacOS9 so I can't translate it correctly). TechTool crashed in the middle of the desktop check - every time. Then, suddenly almost no apps could be launched. The icons became the basic application and document icons. I tried to rebuild the desktop many times but it always froze. Then I took it to a repair shop and I'll probably get it on Monday or Tuesday.

Well, eek. I've never really seen a computer that could start up, but was damages so seriously. The worst problem I've ever had with my Macs is that my iBook would give the flashing "system folder" icon on startup-- invalid system folder. After I used firewire to connect it to a G4 tower, I ran Disk First Aid and fixed the problem. Disk First Aid is great when it can fix a problem, eh?

Key Part in the making of Xichra's Revenge.
(url="http://"http://www.ferazelhosting.net")Oblivion awaits...(/url)

About four years ago, I set my startup image as an image larger than my maximum resolution. It would crash after the smiley face disappeared every time.

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better
(url="http://"http://drtalll.tripod.com")Dr Tall Land(/url)

Well, my iMac is fixed now. Just need to buy the 256MB RAM addition or whateva it's called.

C00l. MacOS 9.2.1 is now installed on my comp.

By the way, the problem started from a thing I had figured out already, but the repair shop guy confirmed it. My OS was 9.0. iTunes needs 9.1+. I downloaded iTunes 2. I imported some music to it from CD's. It worked fine. The next day when I started it up it crashed after the login. When I booted it, the dialog which says "Computer was not shut down properly. Disk First Aid searches and repairs damaged things" or something(ยด++++0999999 <-- My grandpa's cat just walked over the keyboard.) But this time it said "Disk First Aid found something wrong on the hard disk, but cannot repair it. Make a backup copy blah blah". Then, the crashes started and continued for 3 months.

I just got Heroes IV too, and I'll be playing it a lot. But don't worry, CW is not forgotten.

(edit)Fixde splelign erorros(/edit)
-------------- (url="http://"http://www.xixproductions.tk/")XiX Productions(/url)
---------- Hmm... Maybe I can let you out
------ if you give me 10000 coins...
-- Download C0ZM0's World!

(This message has been edited by (0ZM0 (edited 01-11-2003).)

CW 0.5.1 alpha tests will be done soon. The beta testers will get it next week.

-------------- (url="http://"http://www.xixproductions.tk/")XiX Productions(/url)
---------- Hmm... Maybe I can let you out
------ if you give me 10000 coins...
-- Download C0ZM0's World!


Originally posted by ferazel_09:
The worst problem I've ever had with my Macs is that my iBook would give the flashing "system folder" icon on startup-- invalid system folder.

My worst Mac prob was with my old Mac IIcx. It played the chimes of doom when I started it up, and then it just shut down. I fixed it in some way, but I can't remember how, it was a loong time ago.

Speaking of old Macs, I still have a Mac Plus on my shelf. It works, though it takes about 30 minutes to get the screen working. It's only that it has a separate hard disk, but I've lost the cable that connects them :frown:.

C0ZM0 / (0ZM0 / cozmo / cozmo01 / underflip


Originally posted by (0ZM0:
**My worst Mac prob was with my old Mac IIcx. It played the chimes of doom when I started it up, and then it just shut down. I fixed it in some way, but I can't remember how, it was a loong time ago.

Speaking of old Macs, I still have a Mac Plus on my shelf. It works, though it takes about 30 minutes to get the screen working. It's only that it has a separate hard disk, but I've lost the cable that connects them :frown:.

The chimes of doom normally relate to a RAM error on the older Macs, since the CX has no built in memory it should be possible to fix it IF you can get some of the old memory simms.

If you need a startup disk for the PLUS then I've got a few early system disks and I can put an image on my web site. The cable should be easy enough to get hold of - there must be thousands of spare ones knocking around all you need is an old SCSI 50 pin to 25 pin cable.

Liz the Wiz:)

I truly believe that all deadlines are unreasonable regardless of the amount of time given.

The CW 0.5.1 beta and the password has been sent to the testers. If you lose the download address, (url="http://"http://members.lycos.co.uk/cozmo_01/xix/cw/cw051b.hqx")click here(/url) (requires password). Please keep the password. It will be used for all future CW betas. However, if you lose you password, email me.

C0ZM0 / (0ZM0 / cozmo / cozmo01 / underflip

Haven't heard anything from the beta testers....

C0ZM0 / (0ZM0 / cozmo / cozmo01 / underflip