Console commands?

Where can I get a list of console commands, etc.? Were these provided in the original game's manual because they don't seem to have been included in the download version. I'm trying to delete all the files on a rival's machine for a mission and I can't seem to do it manually (which was a very tedious process anyway). Any help?

Hi. I'm Dingo. Can I have your baby?

Hi, I don't know of an official list but, here are the commands that I can think of.

dir usr - controls the file server, also it may be "usr dir"
delete - deletes the files
run ... - runs whichever file you then type in

sys usr - controls the system or "usr sys"

log usr - controls the logs or "usr log"

Hope that helps. Good luck.


(minor gameplay spoilers story spoilers)

Console commands that I can remember
When in doubt type "help cmd" to show all the commands.
help - shows help menu
help cmd - shows commands
delete - deletes all files in a directory
shutdown - shutdown and restart the system
dir - list files in current directory
exit - exit the console

There are more but those are relevant to destroying mainframes.

You'll have to search each directory to find which one's have files. And the delete them.


You don't have to search the files. Because I can't remember the commands right now just do the usr (whatever) from the commands menu and then delete. After you delete like three defferent sections typ in shutdown and wait till it fails to restart, then leave and cover your tracks

Splendid famous person quote I am currently enthralled with- "History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon"
-Napoleon Bonaparte