
the is another much less text and simpler guide to doing this:


Ah, but Anubis_Fremen's version doesn't require you to have expensive HUD software. It just requires you to be quick.


Ah, but if you're skilled enough to get enough money to buy hud software, you're life will be alot easier...

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Originally posted by Computer_Man:
**Ah, but if you're skilled enough to get enough money to buy hud software, you're life will be alot easier...


Abso-tivin-lutey. And hacking a bank is good way to do that.


I am not trying to brag at all (im sorry if it sounds so)
but I consider myself to be a master at bank hacking.
My way of doing it is:
Software needed: HUD Connection V1, Monitor bypass V 5, proxy bypass V5, voice analyser V1, decypher V3, Password breaker V1, Log deleter V4
Optional software: Tracetracker in fact, my way there is no tracking
Recomended items: paper and pencil(charted with bank name(title),account number(column 1), password(column 2), credits(column 3), at very bottom of paper have Uplink bank IP adress, Your account number

step 1: go straight to the target bank. select "about us" and add the administration name to your list. disconect. run Voice analyser then select the bank's administrator's number.wait for him to pick up the phone and hangup, then wait for the analyser to say ready for playback. DO NOT!!! i repeat DO NOT QUIT THE VOICE ANALYSER!!! KEEP IT RUNNING!!!

step2: call bounce from your gateway to InterNIC to the target bank. select the HUD connection at the bottom,and bypass the monitor then the proxy. select "admin" at the bottom of the bank main menu. there should be three different things to break. First select the middle one(voice print), and hit the play button on the voice analyser, and wait for the red button to turn green. YOU CAN QUIT THE VOICE ANALYSER NOW. then push the green acces approved button then select the bottom of the three(elliptic curve cypher thing) run the decypher on max and select the big box of numbers(cant miss it) when done push the green button and go to the final breaking area. you should know what to do(run password breaker) and push the green button then proceed.

step 3 :DONT WORRY ABOUT TRACKING AS LONG AS THE V5 BYPASSERS ARE ON!!!!! get the pencil and the chart out. go to view all accounts. this may take a while but dont worry it is worth it. one by one fill in the chart for each account by writing the name/account number in the 1st column then the password(you will see the information on the accounts and passwords)in the next column. when you finish organizing the na,e and passwords then go out of the account info and delete ALL logs. then close that out,DONT DISCONNECT, and go to the main menu of the bank.

step 4:keep the bypassers running and one by one go to "manage existing account", type in the account number in the first box and the password in the other. at the person's account go to "view account" and where it says "balance" write that number (on the paper) under the credits column(3rd) close that and hit should be at the bank main menu. repeat writing the account info for everyone. hopefully a person had a lot of money(EX: 500,000-1,000,000 credits)

and step 5: choose who you would like to steal money from. log on to their account,YOU STILL SHOULDNT HAVE DISCONETED, and since the bypassers are on go to "transfer money" and fill in all the data.(EX :put uplink's bank IP in the (to)IP slot, (to) accno. you put your account number,and for amount of money put the desired amount(what you wrote down) and make sure you ad "credits after it <500000 credits> no commas no capitals) and hit transfer. now you have only ONE minute before they catch you, go to view statement and delete transfer logs. Disconnect. call bounce to InterNIC and to Uplink bank bypass proxy and go to manage existing account select your info go to view statement and delete transfer logs. disconect. go to InterNIC. and delete logs there.disconect.

there you have it you are safe
sorry it took alot of writing
i hope this helps

Deep into that darkness pearing, long I stood there, wondering,fearing, doubting

It is much, much easier to transfer the money to your account at the same bank you are hacking, it really doesnt need to go to your uplink account. That way you dont have to re-hack anything, and you can delete your own statements faster.

I, myself, have taken everything, including maxed out loans, from everyone in a bank once. No one had near a million, but my rating went up.

A bit off topic this post was, but since mrxak himself responded to something off topic, I don't think it is really that bad...I mean, the guys question has been answered, and this dooes prevent having hundreds of threads to look at...

Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
"You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil and whitedevil2

In almost all of the postings that cover gaining administrator access on a bank machine they tell you to close the voice analyser after you use it to crack that particular part. After you have logged into several different accounts (got to find the big bucks after all) the logs for that machine will show the ip address of your bounce logging into every account you tried. I am not sure if the game takes these sort of footprints into account but it does look highly suspect. So after transferring your money to your account and deleting those transaction logs it might not be a bad idea to hack into the admin section and wipe the logs for your repeated account activity.

Also it's a good idea to look at the statements from all accounts (even the low dollar accounts) to see if they have made any large transfers to anywhere. This way you can follow the money around.


Originally posted by Hacker_999Omega:
**I am not trying to brag at all (im sorry if it sounds so)
but I consider myself to be a master at bank hacking.
<Long Guide>

I thought that once you began use of the admin account, regardless of wheather you had bypassers on or not, you be bugun to be traced.

Or do i have problems and i need to learn more about uplink

rning:! Error with Server)
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I thought that once you began use of the admin account, regardless of wheather you had bypassers on or not, you be bugun to be traced.

Or do i have problems and i need to learn more about uplink


With the level 5 proxy/monitor bypassers I am able to get admin on the banks, look at and write down all the accounts, login to each of them, create an account for myself, transfer all the cash to a different bank and then cover all tracks (retaking admin, transfer logs). All without the slightest blimp on my tracer.
