Poorest Ambrosia game yet

What do you mean "un-mac like?" It's a hacker simulator, and everyone knows that most hackers get caught eventually, which means that they're fairly stupid or careless, and that is the general calling card of a windows user. 😄

I play in a window, because the next highest resolution makes the window too large for the screen. All you need to do is change the resolution of the game under options. If you tried to look, you might've figured it out all by yourself.

What do you mean "being shareware is not an excuse?" An excuse for what? You didn't have to buy it automatically, and you could've seen many of the bugs in an unregistered version.

Oh, BTW, Uplink IS a good game, you just don't understand it. 😛

"Do you know who the best starfighter in the fleet is? Your's truly" CF/A-17 Wraith
Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily. -Napolean
Conform to peer pressure; shun all that you do not understand. Also be as sarcastic as you can.

Noosesoldier writes:

"I play in a window, because the next highest resolution makes the window too large for the screen. All you need to do is change the resolution of the game under options. If you tried to look, you might've figured it out all by yourself. "

And this is documented where? What's wrong with Command-M? And why is my screen all screwed up when I quit the game (if I have excel files open, they all end up in a position where the title bar is unreacheably high on the screen. Man I hate that).

"What do you mean "being shareware is not an excuse?" An excuse for what? You didn't have to buy it automatically, and you could've seen many of the bugs in an unregistered version."

I never complained about bugs. I complained about lack of documentation (as in THERE IS NO DOCUMENTATION IN THE PACKAGE). I complained about various other thing that have nothing to do with bugs, at least not the way I understand bugs.

"Oh, BTW, Uplink IS a good game, you just don't understand it. :P"

Okay, so I am stupid. Now please condescend to reply to my points rather than be smug about this.




Originally posted by General Rak:
**If Ambrosia isn't contractually obligated to do a straight port, then I would concur with the original poster: this is pure idiocy. Ambrosia shouldn't release a fairly old game without at least fixing the original's bugs and improving gameplay. It is simply smart business to make a product desirable, and those changes would go a long way towards doing that.

However, if they were contractually obligated to do a straight port, then Ambrosia is making a smart business decision in releasing Uplink in its current state. They will, of course, make money, and publishing the game is a good investment. However, I am a bit dubious as to whether they are actually contractually obligated to do a straight port...


From another post by someone ASW related, they ARE contractually obligated to do a straight port, so would everyone PLEASE stop pestering them about bugs that exist in the PC version and/or have been mentioned on these forums 65 million times.


But Ambrosia did not do the port, they are just publishing it. Contraband Entertainment are the ones who ported it. Most of the major issues appear to be partially caused by a none direct port so if they are contractually obligated to do a direct port, it would seem they are in breach of the contract. 🙂

(url="http://"http://uplink.stewsburntmonkey.com")The Uplink Directory(/url)

Oh, hush Stews 😉

I am both worried and saddened by nationwide news of increasing rates of anxiety and depression.
The creator of RedshirtX and GatewayX (not yet public)

Actually, about the only major problems caused by the port seem to be the slowdowns and the mouse problems.


Well, I have to say I regret registering. The plot was fairly engrossing for what it was, but I exhausted all the mission types in less than two days ( about 4-6 hrs play ). I now have all the best software, all the best hardware and lots and lots of money, and there is no more challange in the game. The game might be fun as a diversion, but it's too slow to be enjoyable once the plot and new missions stop coming - the bugs then seem to tip the balance from fun to not fun for me.

I really registered out of loyalty to Ambrosia, and on trust that they would provide a great game. Now I can't help but feel a little betrayed. Even POG was more long-lived than this.

<offtopic we go>
So, once you too have had enough of uplink, you'll want to go and try:
- Vega Strike: vegastrike.sourceforge.net - like 3d EV Nova, for free, no fees.
- Mutant Storm: (url="http://"http://www.pompom.org.uk")www.pompom.org.uk(/url) - Best shooter ever, and so under appreciated.
- Think Tanks from: (url="http://"http://www.garagegames.com")www.garagegames.com(/url) - Networked tank combat for OSX.
- OSX port of Barrage from: (url="http://"http://www.derekarndt.com/")http://www.derekarndt.com/(/url) - cause it's small and short.
</offtopic> 🙂


Originally posted by Andcarne:
**From another post by someone ASW related, they ARE contractually obligated to do a straight port, so would everyone PLEASE stop pestering them about bugs that exist in the PC version and/or have been mentioned on these forums 65 million times.


And we're supposed to know which bugs are from the Windows/Linux version and which were introduced in the Mac port how? Hmm. Guess I'll just have a look at the "Known Problems" section of the docs and-- Oh yeah, right, there are no docs...


Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Uplink, it goes right at one of my ultimate fantasies. Maybe that's why are passions are so up. It's like a tease. For me, it's not the bugs that are so annoying. It's the sloppiness which, contradicts the very essence of such a game. High tech hackers in such a bumbling tech world. ie. the amateurish map, lack of shortcut functions, double and triple 1st Aronmedia mission posts (I recieved 45,000 just sending them revelation 3xs), mail which is cut off, Hud bypassers superimposed on mail,etc.

I don't understand why some people are so annoyed by our complaints. It's only natural that we need to fume a bit. Maybe we've been spoiled by the great quality of Ambrosia's previous games. If so, who's fault is that?



Originally posted by B!nej:
**Well, I have to say I regret registering. The plot was fairly engrossing for what it was, but I exhausted all the mission types in less than two days ( about 4-6 hrs play ). I now have all the best software, all the best hardware and lots and lots of money, and there is no more challange in the game. The game might be fun as a diversion, but it's too slow to be enjoyable once the plot and new missions stop coming - the bugs then seem to tip the balance from fun to not fun for me.

I really registered out of loyalty to Ambrosia, and on trust that they would provide a great game. Now I can't help but feel a little betrayed. Even POG was more long-lived than this.


So, you've done both sides of the storyline, completed all of the special missions, hacked a bank (for a small amount of money, naturally), and mastered LAN hacking?

Wow. That took me a bit more than 4-6 hours 😉

I am both worried and saddened by nationwide news of increasing rates of anxiety and depression.
The creator of RedshirtX and GatewayX (not yet public)

You have to just get it. I had no trouble with learning the interface. Its got that simplistic look-and-feel for a reason. I only had one problem due to the fact I didn't know how to use the proxy bypass, and still only because I overlooked the obvious.

Sure, clicking a button requires holding it for 2 secs. Big deal.

One big problem is getting stuck with little cash, a bad record with the gov and poor hardware/software. At one point I had to cheat just to keep my char rolling.


To all those people who are saying "post your specs, see if there is a way round this", well hear me :

This is a very well known problem. The beta-testers, and a few mods have all pointed this out.

Let me say this to kick it off. Uplink is ultimatly as text based game. No matter how much fancy stuff you want, Uplink would work perfectly well as a text based game.

The reason it is so slow is becasue of all the useless, no matter how pretty, Open GL effects. I don't share the opinion it was rushed, it was just a stupid little oversight by all partys involved. To those people putting the blame on ASW/IV/Contraband, it is all there faults. ASW "hired" the Beta-Testers, so it is partly there fault. Introversion and Contraband also have to check themselves so it is also there fault.

Back to the point at hand :
I would have an option to turn off these OpenGL effects. This seems the onky perfectly logical way to get everyone happy. Get rid of ALL OpenGL effects, that is. Have animated images or something, this, at least in my view makes sense.

forge on the Nova Forum :
forge: "That's a great idea. Why hasn't anybody made a plug for that? Somebody should really make a plug for that. It's really a great idea that somebody should make a plug for."
forge: "You do it."

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on the bugs you claim to experience, as I have never had any problems with performance, cut off emails, or anything of that sort. Even all of that taken into account, Uplink is far from Ambrosia's worst game. As far as subject matter and playability, I think it's one of the best (sans EV). And, as was stated before, this is only one of the first versions.

In other words, "Buck up."

"If it wasn't for my horse... I wouldn't have spent that first year in college." -Lewis Black

no_use_for_a_name: That wouldn't really work. Uplink is entirely rendered in OpenGl. This decision was made early early early in the development years ago.

I am both worried and saddened by nationwide news of increasing rates of anxiety and depression.
The creator of RedshirtX and GatewayX (not yet public)

Complain, complain, complain. If you don't like it, don't play it.

All hail Hikari, Golden Goddess of Light!

I have to say the speed problems seem to be rather erratic. Uplink plays just fine on my 800Mhz iBook. It isn't quite as speedy as it could be, but that's far from noticible if you aren't looking for it, and it certainly at no point detracts from either the playability of the experience of the game.

I really think passing judgement on a game (especially "poorest ever") based on an erratic performance problem is very sketchy. It'd be better to just say "Uplink is slow on my machine, here's the specs" and let them work it out.

I am both worried and saddened by nationwide news of increasing rates of anxiety and depression.
The creator of RedshirtX and GatewayX (not yet public)

I don't know what you're all complaining about -- Uplink runs perfectly fine for me. I have never experienced any of the mentioned slow down.

However, that could be because I run it in a window. That seems to speed things up a bit.

"I saw it in a movie, about a bus that had to SPEED around the city, keeping its SPEED above 60, and if its SPEED dropped, it would explode! I think it was called... 'The Bus That Could Not Slow Down'"

"Uplink. 15 users and still haven't successfully hacked a bank."
"Uplink. Buggiest mother ****er around..."

Keep what ye c'n git, an' keep what ye ha'e, for that is the wey t' gettin' rich - Old Scottish Commoner Saying - "Mac users are loyal. PC users are stubborn

Well for being coded by one guy in his spare time its not too bad. Its not like its was a game developed by a whole team of people fulltime. 🙂

(url="http://"http://uplink.stewsburntmonkey.com")The Uplink Directory(/url)


Originally posted by Ptolemy:
-You get missions for things you've already accomplished. "Elite hacker needed to take out a server you just took out 4 missions ago." "Ultra l33t skills needed to figure out the balance on a bank account you already own."

I haven't got so far as to play around much with bank accounts, but doesnt' it stand to reason that if you destroy a server, the people who actually own it are going to fix it, just like in real life?