Best way to prevent/stop passive trace?

Okay, my pride and joy just got killed due to a passive trace. What can be done to prevent this? Will making my first bounce the uplink test machine fix this? I figure that using public servers (no logs) and the uplink test machine (no logs) I'd be able to stop it.


Unfortunatly, apparently all systems store logs that can be used to trace you, even phones. The only way to stop a passive trace is break the log chain, by deleting the logs on one of the machines in your boucne path (most use internic or the test machine)

I'd also ask where you got the impression that the test machine didnt show you logs, because it certainly does store them and display them.

As you progress through the game, you'll find you'll need better version of log_deleter to delete your logs, btw, so I'd recommend you save up for Log_Deleter 4 fairly early on to save you thinking about it.

The test machine does so have logs. Hack into it like normal and there are 3 menus, the normal file, the log, and some other crap I dont bother myself with. Just go in there and eliminate the log that shows your routed connection. That there could have been your first problem.

YOU MUST DELETE LOGS!!! Be it on the computer you are hacking, or on one of the bounces afterwards. You must either delete it or frame someone so that the blame wont go to you. To frame someone, you need the log_modifier. Deleting is much easier though. After you are done with your hack, if youve enough time, go into their log banks and delete all the information that pertains to the IP you were using to hack the system.

Since the banks and other systems will trace you, it is most advisable to delete your first bounce. This way, the route will be traced there and stopped. Dont forget to bounce to that, so you have enough time to delete those logs.

also, BACK UP YOUR FILE. After every 8 or so missions, log out and quit to copy your data. This way, if you do get caught, you will have your backup to take over. Also, it helps to save after important missions too. That way you know youve finished the mission, no matter what happens.

Now pass this on! If you don't, you'll be eaten by crocodiles.

(This message has been edited by Desert Fox (edited 05-31-2003).)

If you want some USEFUL advice...

Always start your bounce path at InterNIC. Then after the hack go to InterNIC and delete its routing logs.

Why InterNIC?

- Password never changes (save time)
- No active trace (you don't need to bounce)

I am both worried and saddened by nationwide news of increasing rates of anxiety and depression.
The creator of RedshirtX and GatewayX (not yet public)


Originally posted by Adriac:
**If you want some USEFUL advice...

Always start your bounce path at InterNIC. Then after the hack go to InterNIC and delete its routing logs.

Why InterNIC?

- Password never changes (save time)
- No active trace (you don't need to bounce)


the no active trace is the only thing this place has over the test machine. Never has the test machine changed its pass in the duration of my game.

Hey, dont go starting crap man. I gave useful advice in my post, there is no reason for you to degrade it.

Now pass this on! If you don't, you'll be eaten by crocodiles.

Plus, you can delete any logs you like in the test machine, but at InterNIC they get mad when you delete too many. Also, the you don't have to type the password when logging into the test machine 😄

(url="http://"")The Homepage of Cha0s(/url)

Also, backing up is cheating 🙂

I am both worried and saddened by nationwide news of increasing rates of anxiety and depression.
The creator of RedshirtX and GatewayX (not yet public)


Originally posted by Adriac:
**Also, backing up is cheating:)


What's your point?
If someone wants to cheat, then they can do that. If you don't want to cheat, that's all well and good, but don't go trying to get people not to cheat, or not to back up, or not to do whatever makes the game easier. You have to remember that some people like to play the game for fun, and thus losing the game or doing something stupid is not fun for them.
In other words, don't go around saying, "that's cheating," because people don't care if you think something's cheating or not. They will however, be annoyed by someone who shouldn't really care if they're cheating or not.
(url="http://"")Wecome to the Empire. Resistance is futile.(/url) (url="http://"") Have a question? (url="http://"")Search first!(/url) (url="http://"")EVN Walkthrough(/url) Warning! (url="http://"")Poor taste in cars ahead!(/url)
"Every time somebody asks,it gets delayed two days. Just remember this."
forge, on release dates for the EVN port
May contain sarcasm

(This message has been edited by WraithSniper (edited 05-31-2003).)

I think his point may well be that if you talk about cheating off the cuff like its nothing, others may well not see if for what it is.

The only person who needs to care about if someone's cheating is that person, but if they dont know they're cheating because of the way you've said something, then they're not really making the choice whether to cheat or not, now are they?

I agree with backing up occasionally, since if I didnt I'd be being hypocritical, but I'd always say that it is sort of cheating since IV never inteded you to be able to do it.


Originally posted by WraithSniper:
What's your point?
If someone wants to cheat, then they can do that. If you don't want to cheat, that's all well and good, but don't go trying to get people not to cheat, or not to back up, or not to do whatever makes the game easier. You have to remember that some people like to play the game for fun, and thus losing the game or doing something stupid is not fun for them.
In other words, don't go around saying, "that's cheating," because people don't care if you think something's cheating or not. They will however, be annoyed by someone who shouldn't really care if they're cheating or not.

My esteemed piscine colleague hit it right on the head. I at no point in time went "trying to get people not to cheat, or not to back up, or not to do whatever makes the game easier". I don't care if people cheat, as long as they are fully aware of their actions. When people cheat and try to convince themselves that they didn't really , that disgusts me. I think anyone who beats a game for the first time by cheating should feel somewhat ashamed, don't you?

I was merely informing you that backing up is cheating. Denying it is pathetic.

(edit) With the lone exception of backing up in case of a bug or corrupted user file. But if you can convince yourself, every time, to trash the backup of a disavowed user... I commend you. (/edit)

I am both worried and saddened by nationwide news of increasing rates of anxiety and depression.
The creator of RedshirtX and GatewayX (not yet public)

(This message has been edited by Adriac (edited 05-31-2003).)


Originally posted by CI-Ia0s:
**Plus, you can delete any logs you like in the test machine, but at InterNIC they get mad when you delete too many. Also, the you don't have to type the password when logging into the test machine:D


InterNIC gets mad? I delete my logs every single time, and they haven't done jack squat.

Yes you have to type the pass, but if its something easy to remember, which it usualy is, (my last was "eeeeeesh" than its just about as fast as the test machine. And not having to bounce to InterNIC is a BIG time saver.

"En grisrumpa är fläsk, rök den och det blir skinka."
(A pig butt is meat, smoke it and it becomes ham.)
~ Sweedish Translation

Whoa. You mean just copy your user data? Like go into the Uplink folder and actually copy the .usr file there and stick it somewhere? Whoa. I have never thought of doing that. Please correct me if I am wrong. I just started playing this game like a week ago.


That is correct, just go into the user data and duplicate your file. And for the record, it's not cheating. Unlike EV where you could choose strict play or not, if you get caught you have to start over. Just because some of us want to play for fun and not have to do everything from scratch doesn't make us cheaters. I like to try new things and experiment (Like with bank hacking for my first time) but if I had to start from scratch every time I messed up learning would take a lot longer and I wouldn't have played as much. You can argue that loosing everything is part of the game and if you like to play like that go for it. However, some people like to play for fun and just because we've found a way around starting from the bottom doesn't make us cheaters.


Bear in mind the point of the game is to break rules. Admittedly, there some rules that were made to be broken and some that weren't, but this game does implicitly encourage cheating a lot, compared to most other games.

Or maybe that's just a pathetically delusional excuse for cheating.


Originally posted by MalkContent:
**That is correct, just go into the user data and duplicate your file. And for the record, it's not cheating. Unlike EV where you could choose strict play or not, if you get caught you have to start over. Just because some of us want to play for fun and not have to do everything from scratch doesn't make us cheaters. I like to try new things and experiment (Like with bank hacking for my first time) but if I had to start from scratch every time I messed up learning would take a lot longer and I wouldn't have played as much. You can argue that loosing everything is part of the game and if you like to play like that go for it. However, some people like to play for fun and just because we've found a way around starting from the bottom doesn't make us cheaters.


What about the fact that there was a save feature at one point in development, and it was taken out because it made the game too easy- to the point of being boring?

Your logic is inherently flawed in that you assume it isn't cheating by definition. It is. "Strict Play" is not an option, because it's a feature of the game, and where I come from bypassing the way the game is set up to further your virtual interests is cheating.

Now again, I make no judgements about cheating. > >Cheating is fine by me.<< (Everyone get that?) But don't delude yourself. Admit that you are cheating. Otherwise...

Yes, I think "pathetically delusional" is a fine description 🙂

I am both worried and saddened by nationwide news of increasing rates of anxiety and depression.
The creator of RedshirtX and GatewayX (not yet public)


Originally posted by CI-Ia0s:
but at InterNIC they get mad when you delete too many.

Huh? What are you talkin about???

"He has a company that makes computers. Or a computer that makes companies. Anyway, you wouldn't understand."-Homer