How to...

Here is a topic for the standard information. I will be describing methods of this and that in this topic which will explain how to do a certain thing or another. Some things Ive thought up myself, some ive brought from another part of the board. Read on and learn things that you didnt know before. If youve got the time, put a post in on how to do something of your own choosing. Can be anything, just so long as people want to know.


First off, get a HUDConnectionAnalyser. Without this system, any bypass software WILL NOT WORK. You cant use monitor bypass unless you can see the monitor, right?

After getting this, it should put a little button on the bottom, similar to the ones given for IRC, LAN, or the various buttons you saw from the get go (gateways, standings, financial, email, etc...). Connect to a system, any system, and then click this little button. Notice that it has your gateway on one end and the system you are connecting to on the other. Between these there are enough spaces for 3 things. If you chose some high security one, youll have all 3, if you chose some low security (like a company's file server) youll most likely get one little square in the connection. At first itll analyse what is there and when it finds out, it will put the name of what it is above or below it. To bypass this system, simply open up your bypass file that corresponds the the name (ex. if it says monitor, choose the monitor bypass) and drag the little square thing over the lock. Itll then proceed to cover up the lock, bypassing that security system. I would suggest bypassing the monitor first, if youve got the software, before you do the others. If not, the monitor just starts tracing you sooner, so youll have to be quicker if you dont have that bypass. This works with every one of the three (monitor, proxy, firewall).

The higher up the version of your bypass is, the better the results are going to be. I would say that the systems youll want to hack with two of the securities will be around a lvl 2 or lvl 3, while the ones that require more security (banks, or have all 3 securities) will require the highest level of bypass.

The proxy and firewall bypasses are IMMENSLY superiour to the disablers, as the disablers take forever and if youve not been traced to that point, they send off an immediate trace to you. If you are trying to hack into the social security database, it is possible to use a proxy disabler and make it out in time, but that disabler takes forever and a day to finish up, giving you very little time to confirm your changes and disconnect from the system. Bypassing is MUCH more advisable to use, as they work instantly. Also, there is no monitor disabler, as that would set off a trace by itself, making one think 'what was the point?'

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(This message has been edited by Desert Fox (edited 05-31-2003).)