Hacking A Bank For Your Own Personal Gain

Is it possible to hack a bank for your own personal gain and extract money for software etc? If so then how do you do so? The Uplink International can trace me in seconds!


.sit happens!


Originally posted by Steelix:
Is it possible to hack a bank for your own personal gain and extract money for software etc? If so then how do you do so? The Uplink International can trace me in seconds!

AFAIK, you simply have to be quick about it. When targetting an account on bank X, get a secondary account in bank Y (not uplink), and get both banks' admin's voice print. Then connect a long chain of machines, one that doesn't include X or Y, and save it. Connect to bank X, hack into it, find the account's password, crack the proxy, transfer the funds to your account on Y, delete the log of the transfer, disconnect. Load the chain of links, connect to Y, enter your account number and password, crack the proxy, delete the transfer log, disconnect. Then go to the InterNIC (or UTS) and delete your connection logs.

That's what should work... in theory. I tried it once because I was bored with not getting the storyline missions, but banks' passive traces are really fast - I got caught by the passive trace while I stopped by the InterNIC to delete those logs before I logged onto the other bank, and got caught.


Compilers - the ultimate god games.
(edit) I wish there was a preview feature on this board. (/edit)

Have you ever tried the 'need financial info' missions? Once you get someones password, you can get in without being traced... I'm currently watching someone with over 1 million credits.

"If your armor is >70% after battle, you are not a true warrior" -Me
"God does not play dice" -Albert Einstein
"Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity." -Albert Einstein
Et je dirai: "C'est la vie!"

One thing that usually happens is that one of the first bank missions involves tracing a large sum of transferred money. That one is a springboard for theft IMHO. Keep eyes peeled for that and you're basically set 🙂

Disclaimer: In cases of
major discrepancy, it's
always Reality that's got it


Originally posted by Kidglove II:
When targetting an account on bank X, get a secondary account in bank Y (not uplink),

er... its easier (ie, only one hack needed) to have an account at the same bank. this means you only need to set up one bounce route, and put on the bypassers once, etc 😉

also, you only need the admin's voice if you dont know the account numbers. if not, write them down on a piece of paper, disconnect, clear logs, then reconnect, as this may also be passively traced.

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