Bank Job Question

Alright, I read a bunch of the other bank related topics but couldn't find one bit of info... I got a bank job to trace a loan. How do I complete it? I have the acc # and I hacked into the guy's account. I looked at the statement and found the massive transfer. So now what? I have to find out who he transfered the money too and their name as well. I tried clicking on the entry and I got a message that the proxy was still up..... Ok then. I run my proxy disabler and disable the proxy (don't have the funds yet for the bypass and analyzer) Click on the entry again and it does nothing. I try to copy it. Nothing. So what do I have to do?


Do you mean trace a transfer?

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You want to write down the IP and account number in the transfer entry in the statement. Then (after clearing logs) look up the IP number using IP Lookup or browsing InterNIC (assuming you don't already have the link handy).

After that, just hack that bank using the target account number.

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Ya, I guess it is a trace a transfer mission


Dont forget to steal the money afterwards. Just transfer it to your own account, and delete the logs on both ends.

"En grisrumpa är fläsk, rök den och det blir skinka."
(A pig butt is meat, smoke it and it becomes ham.)
~ Sweedish Translation