more than internic log file deletion?

I've read through much of the board here, and I don't understand what went wrong - I hacked some server or another and destroyed all the files and did a shutdown at the end (to "destroy" it). Then immediately went to internic and deleted all the log files. I waited for news, which came, and I collected my fee. I thought I was safe... but then they caught up with me ("a major corporation") and I got the boot.

Do I need to do more to protect myself than simply delete the internic log files?


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What version deleter did you use?

Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
"You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil and whitedevil2

You did bounce through InterNIC on the way to your target hack, right?

You also don't want to delete all the logs on InterNIC, just the 'routed to' and 'admin authorized' ones.

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v4 - i played a couple of times with the demo (before registering), and i was aiming at being extra careful with this one.


yes, i bounce through there every time (as the first link).

I don't want to delete everything? Is it more or less safe to delete more than the "routed to" and "admin..." logs?



Originally posted by n8c:
I don't want to delete everything? Is it more or less safe to delete more than the "routed to" and "admin..." logs?

Well, remember if you delete every log entry, you will still leave a new 'disconnect' entry when you logout (with no corresponding 'connect'). Theoretically, that could be used to trace you. I'm not sure if the game actually looks for that though. Even if it does, it would depend on how high the security was at the target system.

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