Destroy a computer

yeah, i know this is a basic qestion i should have done my research on, but i need help. Please give me the step by step instructions (Note: I am on the server, and in the console login.)

Trust is a weakness
-Officialy been waiting since may 9th for mac version uplink 🙂

type, in the console:
cd sys

For a complete list of console commands, type help in the console. Or go (url="http://"")here(/url).

Keep what ye c'n git, an' keep what ye ha'e, for that is the wey t' gettin' rich - Old Scottish Commoner Saying - "Mac users are loyal. PC users are stubborn

For a full and complete destruction, use the following:
cd usr
delete usr
cd log
delete log
cd sys
delete sys

Carpe Aptenodytes! (Seize the Penguins!)
I feel like a genocidal maniac when emacs asks me if I want to kill 10789 characters.
Calculating in binary code is as easy as 01,10,11