Flashing Red square on HUD map

On the HUD map, near one of the peer to peer internel service systems, there is just a blinking red square, what is it?

Trust is a weakness
-Officialy been waiting since may 9th for mac version uplink 🙂

dunno ... but it sounds bad.


Isn't that what the huge virus does? (thats showing you where it is)

I just got that from some screenshots in the walkthrough


P.S.-If I don't go into the main string, will after a while the virus infect my computer and I wont be able to use my character anymore? I mean, what if I just want one of my guys to simply be a hacker and not do the story..

Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
"You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil and whitedevil2


Thats what the revelation virus does. You will encounter this later in the storyline.

Im not sure if this is accessable form the demo, and if Revelation has not been released, then it is a bug.
