Extemporaneous Progress Log II


Originally posted by Emperor Ent:
Ketzerverbrennung - I really need help with ResCompare. I don't want to continue working on this level until I get ResCompare down. Anybody?

Any ResCompare volunteers? Thanks in advance.


1. Make a copy of your original Ferazel's Wand Sprites file.
2. Put all the sprites you want to change - with their correct sprit IDs into your Ferazel's Wand Sprites file with ResEdit (if you haven't already done it), and update the version number.
3. Open the ORIGINAL Ferazel's Wand Sprites file in Res Compare (you can download it from (url="http://"http://www.sauers.com/draginstall/patching/")http://www.sauers.co...stall/patching/(/url) ) then go to 'File'>'Compare With' and open your NEW Ferazel's Wand Sprites file.
4. When the comparison is done you should have a list of pict ids in blue and/or green. Select all and goto menu 'Change'>'Make Patch'
5. Click on new.
6. Click on Patch a copy (Or if you click on patch in place you must remember to tell them to make a backup first) Click OK.
7. Name your patch file - click on OK.
8. That's it.

I'll happily do it for you but I'm sure you can easily do it for yourself.

Liz the Wiz 🙂

"I don't suffer from insanity,
I enjoy every minute of it." 🙂

(This message has been edited by lizwiz (edited 11-28-2001).)


Originally posted by Dr Tall:
**Hmmm.....so what you're saying, is that I name an OBW member, and he gets torn to pieces?


Okay, this is not funny anymore. (It never was) You better name the one that told you about the weboard. I am will not put up with this. Don't play jokes. I already know you tried to bribe ferazel2001, and it didn't work.

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here - this is the War Room!"

  • Dr. Strangelove
    "For as long as I can remember, I've had memories."
  • Colin Mochrie, Who's Line is it Anyway?


Posted by Ice:
I am will not put up with this.

Posted Image

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better
(url="http://"http://drtalll.tripod.com")Dr Tall Land(/url)


Originally posted by Dr Tall:
**Posted Image

I am confused? A monkey? Oh, I get it monkeys! HAH! :rolleyes:

Anyway back to my point about getting off my topic... go away. 🙂

Thank you very much, I tried this before, but had, difficulties. I will try again. If not I may take you up on your offer. 🙂 Thanks again.


Originally posted by Ice:
**Okay, this is not funny anymore. (It never was) You better name the one that told you about the weboard. I am will not put up with this. Don't play jokes. I already know you tried to bribe ferazel2001, and it didn't work.

:eek:This must be really serious

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
All quiet on the western Front. But not for long.... OH SAY CAN YOU SEE!!!!!!!!........
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"http://community.theunderdogs.org/smiley/gallery.htm")Underdog Smiles(/url)
AIM: Overrider720, Ferazel17 or WhiteStreak7


Originally posted by Dr Tall:
**Posted Image


Are you saying it's Thok?!

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here - this is the War Room!"

  • Dr. Strangelove
    "For as long as I can remember, I've had memories."
  • Colin Mochrie, Who's Line is it Anyway?


Posted by Ice:
Are you saying it's Thok?!

Woah, how do you get Thok out of a monkey eating bannanas?? lol. I think you need to calm down about the whole thing, Ice, it would save you money on blood pressure medication 😉

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better
(url="http://"http://drtalll.tripod.com")Dr Tall Land(/url)


Originally posted by Dr Tall:
**Woah, how do you get Thok out of a monkey eating bannanas?? lol.


His ICQ name is monkeyman and his e-mail address is humanmonkey@yahoo.com. 🙂


Originally posted by Dr Tall:
**I think you need to calm down about the whole thing, Ice, it would save you money on blood pressure medication;)


Right. It's just that we know one little thing that you don't know about....hahaha....

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here - this is the War Room!"

  • Dr. Strangelove
    "For as long as I can remember, I've had memories."
  • Colin Mochrie, Who's Line is it Anyway?


Posted by Ice:
His ICQ name is monkeyman and his e-mail address is humanmonkey@yahoo.com.

That I did not know 😄


Right. It's just that we know one little thing that you don't know about....hahaha....

If you imply that I have been betrayed by one of my beta testers, let me imply that I do not care.

::sees Emperor Ent running down the hall with an axe::


Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better
(url="http://"http://drtalll.tripod.com")Dr Tall Land(/url)

Why don't you guys open another topic if you want to fight, and let Emperor Ent have his topic back. Less than a third of the replies on this topic have anything to do with Extemporaneous.

Liz the Wiz:)

"I don't suffer from insanity,
I enjoy every minute of it." 🙂

I agree whole-heatredly. This is the Extemperaneous Progress Log and so far no Extemperaneous

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
There are 9 people in this world. Those who can eat and those who don't know how to write a sig.
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"http://community.theunderdogs.org/smiley/gallery.htm")Underdog Smiles(/url)
AIM: Overrider720, Ferazel17 or WhiteStreak7


Orginally posted by Tall, phD
::sees Emperor Ent running down the hall with an axe::

A very sharp one at that. 🙂


Originally posted by lizwiz:
Why don't you guys open another topic if you want to fight, and let Emperor Ent have his topic back. Less than a third of the replies on this topic have anything to do with Extemporaneous.

Thank you again lizwiz.


Originally posted by Overrider720
I agree whole-heatredly. This is the Extemperaneous Progress Log and so far no Extemporaneous.

Heh! I have mentioned it once or twice. 🙂

I am going to start the Wall today. I am really looking forward to make it. Oh and lizwiz could you assist me with ResCompare, I will send you the images and the info, my thanks would be insurmountable?
Time to get the Extemporaneous House back in order.

Bushes are nice 'cause they don't have prickers -- unless they do. This one did. Ouch! -Ralph Wiggum
Extemporaneous since November 2, 2000
Download (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/dl-redirect.pl?path=ferazel/addons&file;=Extemporaneous.sit.hqx")Extemporaneous 0.5(/url) for Ferazel's Wand.
Visit the (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/emudevelopers/ferazel.html")Extemporaneous Website(/url).


Originally posted by Emperor Ent:
**I am going to start the Wall today. I am really looking forward to make it. Oh and lizwiz could you assist me with ResCompare, I will send you the images and the info, my thanks would be insurmountable?
Time to get the Extemporaneous House back in order.


No Problem! Send them along.

Liz the Wiz:)

"I don't suffer from insanity,
I enjoy every minute of it." 🙂

I have been working on Ketzerbrennung. Almost done. I have to refine the graphics I use in this level. ie. Make them not suck. 🙂 Off to do that I am.

Bushes are nice 'cause they don't have prickers -- unless they do. This one did. Ouch! -Ralph Wiggum
Extemporaneous since November 2, 2000
Download (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/dl-redirect.pl?path=ferazel/addons&file;=Extemporaneous.sit.hqx")Extemporaneous 0.5(/url) for Ferazel's Wand.
Visit the (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/emudevelopers/ferazel.html")Extemporaneous Website(/url).

I have been working on Ketzerbrennung. I tweaked all but one conv image, which needs work. Only one conv and a conv pict left. However, these will both be very hard due to the themes of the conv.

I hope to do something more in Extemporaneous to honor George Harrison. I have already included him as a comical character in the past versions. But soon he play a more important role. I am not saying how. But he will.

Hmm, I think I am done for today. I will finish Ketzerbrennung later. There is not much left to do in that level.
After Ket I will work on my Ice level.
Looks like I might hit my ETA of Christmas-ish.

Off to do real work for me.

Bushes are nice 'cause they don't have prickers -- unless they do. This one did. Ouch! -Ralph Wiggum
Extemporaneous since November 2, 2000
Download (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/dl-redirect.pl?path=ferazel/addons&file;=Extemporaneous.sit.hqx")Extemporaneous 0.5(/url) for Ferazel's Wand.
Visit the (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/emudevelopers/ferazel.html")Extemporaneous Website(/url).

Ketzerbrennung means (after looking up "Ketzer"), in my interpretation, "a burning of heretics." Where'd you get the name, EE?

WARNING! Any poster attempting to deviate Your Mostly Friendly Neighbourhood Moderator and Plain Nice Guy from his benevloent status quo of absuing powers, holding absurd liberal biases, and using flawed logical systems will have his/her electrons manipulated manually! WARNING! (9/15)


Originally posted by spamguy:
**Ketzerbrennung means (after looking up "Ketzer"), in my interpretation, "a burning of heretics." Where'd you get the name, EE?

I think he said he was in Canada and he picked up the name while touring some place....

That's just a guess

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
There are 9 people in this world. Those who can eat and those who don't know how to write a sig.
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"http://community.theunderdogs.org/smiley/gallery.htm")Underdog Smiles(/url)
AIM: Overrider720, Ferazel17 or WhiteStreak7

Overrider, close but no cigar. I got the idea and title of L' Enfer Congele (anyone take French) while in the beautiful Quebec. In the very same location I created the Ketzerbrennung map. I knew I wanted it to be a fire level with a German name, and the level involves torture and religion and fire. Hence Ketzerbrennung. I looked up burning and Ketzerbrennung came up as an option. Cool, eh? spamguy, I see you too are a scholar of the world's most beauti... erm... interesting language. I have been studying it for some five years now, and have really enjoyed it, though my German is not as precise or advanced as yours.

Ketzerbrennung has been giving me pains, due to it's conversations and graphics. I wanted to employ new spirtes and with the conversations I am trying to make them semi-interesting. More serious. Anyhoo...
Back to PoG Trinity for me. 🙂

Bushes are nice 'cause they don't have prickers -- unless they do. This one did. Ouch! -Ralph Wiggum
Extemporaneous since November 2, 2000
Download (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/dl-redirect.pl?path=ferazel/addons&file;=Extemporaneous.sit.hqx")Extemporaneous 0.5(/url) for Ferazel's Wand.
Visit the (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/emudevelopers/ferazel.html")Extemporaneous Website(/url).


Originally posted by Ice:
...We make lot's of levels. Dr Tall makes lot's of levels...

Improper use of apostrophes! Apostrophes are not to be used in plural, EVER.

And no I'm not the traitor. Unless it has something to do with one of my oh-to-vast-pit-o-projects, leave me alone!

Back on the subject of Extemporaneous, add lots of unnessasary... uh.... Death powerups! No, lots of unnessasary MBTs (Mean bastard traps).

Actually, the level is one of my easier levels. Not that many bastardly things. But maybe I only say that due to my omnipresence. And OmniWeb. 🙂

Bushes are nice 'cause they don't have prickers -- unless they do. This one did. Ouch! -Ralph Wiggum
Extemporaneous since November 2, 2000
Download (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/dl-redirect.pl?path=ferazel/addons&file;=Extemporaneous.sit.hqx")Extemporaneous 0.5(/url) for Ferazel's Wand.
Visit the (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/emudevelopers/ferazel.html")Extemporaneous Website(/url).