New level designs?

I'm looking for someone who is both proficient with the Avara level-making system, and able to give me a few (OK, a lot) of pointers about how to use the system with AppleWorks 6 and how to build good levels for net play. Can anyone help?

Don't use Appleworks to make Avara levels. It doesn't work right.
Use some other vector-based drawing program (Question: Is your main Operating System OS 9 or X?)

OS 9.2. Why?

And, I've actually found that, although AppleWorks is just a beefed-up Claris, it is actually an OK program for Avara, believe it or not. What do you suggest I use?

I always used a shareware drawing program called ShareDraw, I think it was. I wanted to know your OS because ShareDraw's a 9 program and I wanted to make sure I wasn't recommending a Classic program if you have OS X.
I never got AppleWorks to work with Avara -- it had some problem with reading multiple lines as the same line or something...I dunno.

What is it exactly that you want to know, by the way?

Actually, I'm not having any particular scripting or PICT problems. Instead, I need good level ideas for multiplayer and for single-player adventures (I don't think there are enough of those) so that I can actually have something to do, particularly if it gets me some publicity as a level scripter. Really, I just want to have some fun, especially if it helps revive one of the best (albeit a bit badly made as far as high-res 3D goes...) net games of all time!

Actually, I've had more problems with the ShareDraw program than with AppleWorks. AppleWorks 6 does away with the scripting problems that plagued ClarisWorks (i.e. Object Incarnatorend).

-UPDATE!!!- (sorry for double posting)

I need 5 other people who want to see Avara back in action, so I can test some of my scripting and levels. It may take a bit before they're ready, but I won't take too long. The main reason that I can't have them done any faster is that I have a website to run, and that I am up to my armpits in forums (like this one). Anyhoo, I need volunteers. Anyone?

I could donate my old levels I never released...

Sure! I'd appreciate that. But, I still need more people to try out "The Last Hurrah". Last Hurrah is a capture-the-flag game with two opposing bases, three people guarding each. I can have the level e-mailed to each of the players, but that can be sort of a pain. What do you think?

Upload the stuffit file of the level to the Avara add-ons page.

This post has been edited by Robert Marlin : 03 February 2005 - 03:07 PM

shrugs I'd be willing to come along and play again, myself...just as long as I don't actually have to create any levels. I messed around a bit in ClarisWorks, but my levels never really got anywhere.

-The guy who had a name involving "Crimson" who forgot it

Well, as most of the Avara guys know, I have quite a bit of knowledge in the area of Level Design for Avara. So, if you have any technical questions, or a "how can I do this?", just send me an e-mail.

As for what program to use, use a copy of ClarisWorks 4. As I always say, it's best to use the application the level designing proccess was made for... ya... Plus, since I still have a legal copy of it, I might be willing to sell it to you 🙂 Just give me a holler at: and I'll be able to help ya out.

Pah, that's pathetic, I have a copy of MacWrite 2, fear the awesome oldschool! I'll sell that too, although I admit it's resale value is probably ~Ł0.50 ($20.00 for you americans)

This post has been edited by FluffyWithTeeth : 05 February 2005 - 03:33 PM

I have MacWrite II. Best text program I've ever used in recent memory.

-§carlet §torm

So, I'll upload it after it's done. The people playing so far are (and, I'll keep this post updated with everybody playing):

1. Q-Lok
2. Scarlet Swordfish
3. Scarlet Storm
4. Tycho Maudd
5. rebelswin_85
6. Apple Core

This post has been edited by Q-Lok : 22 February 2005 - 11:37 AM

I could try to help.

OK, I added you. You're going to be allied with the two (as-yet-unvolunteered) other people.

I'll try it out.

I'm usually pretty busy with school, but if you give me some notice I'd be interested. I haven't played Avara in a long time... (Avara sn "Dies Irae". My email address should be in my profile.)

Yay! We have all 6!

Progress: very little. If you want to see why, click on Chaos Comics in my signature. The comic I made that's taken me since early last December will be up sometime in early afternoon today. Double-sized with the most characters I've used yet, it took me forever and a day to get it done. They may look easy to mak, but they're NOT!

Team 2 is SO dead, thanks mainly to my (heh) skill. Can we PLEASE shuffle the list?