
I'm trying to create a level with a pict as the background (ID 257 to be exact) but when I put it in (Level Info command) I get it tiled instead of one big picture. I can't seem to figure out how to get it not to tile.

I found that I can change the type and direction of the crunch tiles by select edit crunch type then clicking on the tile. But when I select Wind Current Edit or Wind Strength Edit, I can't get anywhere. How do I edit the wind titles?

(url="http://";=Burnum")Stephen(/url) ż' ((url="http://";=Burnum")The Burnum Man(/url)) 🆒
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"We Screwed Up, Clearly." Apple COO Marco Landi on the troublesome PowerBook 5300

Some More Questions:

I'm having some problems with the FG tiles. The ones in the begining are fine, but the ones at the end of the level, don't appear correctly. I notice in the Mascot map of the world, the tiles aren't blackened in (Just white space). And when I'm playing the level, the tiles work fine, but just appear as white. And they don't appear until you bump into them. (url="http://"")Example 1(/url) (url="http://"")Example 2(/url)

You can have characters remember you and alter the conversations, or set perm flags to interact with the conversations. Can you do this with signs too? I know it doesn't make much sence for a sign to change when you come back to it, but I would like it to happen just the same...

(url="http://";=Burnum")Stephen(/url) ż' ((url="http://";=Burnum")The Burnum Man(/url)) 🆒
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"We Screwed Up, Clearly." Apple COO Marco Landi on the troublesome PowerBook 5300

The white tile problem is caused on the right side of levels that are too wide. There is a maximum width for all levels -- I don't remember the number, but Hangnabit is the widest that a level is allowed to be. If you want to create apparently "wider" levels, you'll need to divide it up vertically and place passages at the end of each row to go down to the next one. (See Fire in the Hole for an example of this.) There is a similar limitation on the vertical height of levels, but people don't usually run into that one.

The Wind Current tiles are changed with the square bracket and backslash keys, if I remember correctly. I know this is cheesy but it was a very quick addition at the time. These sorts of badly-designed parts of the interface are mostly due to last-minute feature additions to the game during the crunch period right before release. Since the editor wasn't originally intended for release, you guys all have to deal with my weird interface now... sorry!

The background pictures are divided up into 128x128 tiles. You can set them to tile correctly across your picture with the "tile pxBack tiles" command. Or, a much easier solution is to Copy Level Info from one of the in-game levels, and paste into your level, then just change the pxBack resource ID.


Ben Spees / Coding Boffin / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

Thanks Ben.

Just a follow up on the wind currents:
The backslash key is next to the right shift key, correct? I tried both slash keys and still can't get the direction of the wind tiles to change. I can get the strenght to change, perfecty.

Now onto some more porblems:
When I exit a level in my world and go to the world map, there seems to be a problem. The level that Ferazel's head is on will display the name for a couple of seconds and then it will disapear. I don't know why the level names keep disapearing. No one elses worlds seem to be having that problem. And it doesn't reapear when his head comes back to it. Once the level names disapear, they are gone until I select a level and play it.

Is there a way to change my level size after I have created it? I sort of ran out of room.. :redface:

And how come I seem to be the only one having dificulties? I read the read-me like everyone else. Is there some unkown documentation that I'm missing?

(url="http://";=Burnum")Stephen(/url) ż' ((url="http://";=Burnum")The Burnum Man(/url))
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I really don't know why you would vote for Bush. In fact, I'm a little scared on what he might do to the country, if he was elected. On the other hand, I don't really support Gore. But, I'm not going to vote for Nader. It would be taking votes away from Gore, and he needs all the votes he can get. VOTE GORE TO KEEP BUSH OUT OF OFFICE!


Originally posted by Burnum:
**Thanks Ben.
Now onto some more porblems:
When I exit a level in my world and go to the world map, there seems to be a problem. The level that Ferazel's head is on will display the name for a couple of seconds and then it will disapear. I don't know why the level names keep disapearing.

For some reason, the level names on the world map are read off of an STR# resource in ResEdit. Hack into the World File for the real levels; all the levels included will have names in there. Have your level name match that of the node number you're working with.



And how come I seem to be the only one having dificulties? I read the read-me like everyone else. Is there some unkown documentation that I'm missing?



I discovered purely by accident how to change direction of wind tiles. I'm still honing my skills on how to aim, but here's how it is. The + and - keys change direction, followed by a click approximately on the tile where you want the arrow to point. Sometimes it points that way, sometimes it doesn't. + seems to signify right, - left. Then, by moving your mouse into a tile corner, hitting plus or minus ONCE, and clicking, you can refine the arrow's direction pixel-by-pixel. It doesn't act as you want, sometimes.

Oddly enough, I can't figure out how to increase wind speed. Eye-for-an-eye: since you know how to, mind dropping a hint to me? 😉

Er...perhaps it is time to get rid of the electoral college. Or at least make Florida divvy up its votes. Anything that keeps Bush locked up in the Guv's mansion, out of trouble.

Oh most definatly.

Tiles > FG Wind Kind Edit Mode

Click on where you want your wind tile. You should see an arrow pointing up with a 50. Now say you want a tile to be strength of 60. Press the ) key once. Now click where you want the 60 strength tile. Now maybe you want a 40 strength tile. Press the ( key twice. Click where you want your 40 strength tile. You just have to remember what speed you are at, because you modify the strength before you set down your wind tile.

Now you go into FG Wind Dir Edit Mode and holding down the + key and clicking on the tiles the wind direction will rotate around.

(url="http://";=Burnum")Stephen(/url) ż' ((url="http://";=Burnum")The Burnum Man(/url))
Play Ferazel's Wand? (url="http://"")Download Equity Of Redemption!(/url) - A New Ferazel's Wand World