Tracker.Avara.Com Sucks

Wow. Okay. I just read all this ****, and uh...Ambrosia are still total jackasses? Amazing. Taz, why are you such a jerk? You used to be cool.

Okay, crashing people is not cool. I don't even know exactly how it works. Something about loading a level a whole lot I think. Anyway, that's not cool. But that is NO reason to ban someone without warning. And on top of that, you don't even respond to him when he asks why he was banned? And then on top of THAT, you are rude to them when they finally get mad enough to post something to the web board?! What the **** are you thinking? And you did this to THREE PEOPLE?!

Holy **** I am glad I stopped playing Avara when I did. Because it appears that Ambrosia Software, Inc. are trying like mad to kill what little community is left of one of the only games they ever created that was truly fun.

I think Sphinx can get a little out of hand, but there was no reason to ban Hons. He runs a server for the community! Do id Software ban Quake servers from the idSW master list because they are up 24/7? Does the city board in your town evict restaurants because they are open too much? What the hell is that?! I think some clarification on this issue is required. Thank you, Taz. 😉

In closing...Voo, MM, stop crashing people. It's lame. You're being ######s. Taz (and any other Ambrosia people that happen to be reading this), get these 3 people unbanned, and give them another chance. This can be their warning.

And all of this is not coming from some newbie without a clue what's going on. If you don't know who I am, you haven't been playing Avara long enough to have a say in this.

Thank you, and goodnight.

To all you unregistered folks plying the board recently: You'd find that ASW's reactions to your posts would not be quite so "stuck up" or "arrogant" if your initial posts weren't so thoughtless, provocatory, and inappropriate. Ask a simple concise question and you're bound to get a thoughtful and polite answer. "Ask" a question in the tones all of you have been using and it's likely you'll just get stonewalled.

Captaintripps: The Ever ReadyŽ
(url="http://"")VoxHumana(/url) -- Comedy of the Future

OK then, here's my question: What was I banned from the avara tracker for? What was I accused of doing? 2nd question: Who accused me of doing it?
If I get a thoughtful and polite answer to that I will be very happy.

Who banned you? You might want to contact them for a quicker response.


Originally posted by Missile Man:
OK then, here's my question: What was I banned from the avara tracker for? What was I accused of doing? 2nd question: Who accused me of doing it?
If I get a thoughtful and polite answer to that I will be very happy.

Captaintripps: The Ever ReadyŽ
(url="http://"")VoxHumana(/url) -- Comedy of the Future

<< To all you unregistered folks plying the board recently: You'd find that ASW's reactions to your posts would not be quite so "stuck up" or "arrogant" if your initial posts weren't so thoughtless, provocatory, and inappropriate. Ask a simple concise question and you're bound to get a thoughtful and polite answer. "Ask" a question in the tones all of you have been using and it's likely you'll just get stonewalled. >>

...Have you considered the fact they threw the first punch? Why are you trying to turn this around on us?

If a robber came into your house and started taking all your stuff, what would you do? Some people would attack him, stop him at gunpoint, whatever, to defend their things, that's what we're doing. Some people could cower in fear and not do anything, but that doesn't pertain to this issue. But I can guarantee you no one's going to ask the Robber what he's doing, and upon responding he'll give it back.

Perhaps you should try reading, I've already made it clear I refuse to be civil to a person who does harm to me first. I will not let bygones be bygones, and it will be an apology from the person responsible along with reinstatement that will get me back. I've already said this.

BTW, are you responsible for this at all? I don't know who you are, but if you're not responsible, I don't think it's your right to assume what the people who ARE responsible are feeling. From my standpoint, as an actual participant in this ordeal, these are unthinking, stubborn people in charge who do not know what they're doing. They banned me for no reason, assuming I did the wrong without thinking about it for a second. That's arrogant. I knew the person or persons responsible were arrogant before I came here, the responses I've seen so far only add to that theory.

With such an attitude I'm not surprised you've received no satisfaction. While none of you asked for it, I was merely trying to help you better resolve the situation. It's apparently undesired, so I'll bow out. Good luck to you and all your melodramatic metaphors.


Originally posted by EdgarHons:
**< pointless vitriol> **

Captaintripps: The Ever ReadyŽ
(url="http://"")VoxHumana(/url) -- Comedy of the Future

<< With such an attitude I'm not surprised you've received no satisfaction. While none of you asked for it, I was merely trying to help you better resolve the situation. It's apparently undesired, so I'll bow out. Good luck to you and all your melodramatic metaphors. >>

How ignorant are you? I try, TRY to help the Avara community, and never receieved one complaint from anyone. In fact, nearly all people who used my server complimented me for it and said it was a good idea trying to help Avara.

I TRY to help, and as far as Avara players go, it DID help. So I've accomplished something, and then this person comes along and takes it away for no reason. No reason was given for why I was banned, none. Why shouldn't I be hostile?

You're just as arrogant as they are "Trying to better resolve the situation." Before you try interfering in someone else's business, get a clue as to what's going on ok? Don't be so damned arrogant to assume YOU know what's best and YOU know what everyone involved is feeling when you're not in the situation at all. Just shut up, I hate people like you.

The whole thing is: Ambrosia sucks. They don't care who they are banning or why. They just care to read less emails. These people have been around for a long time, and have made significant contributions to the Avara community. Ambrosia doesn't bother to police or support Avara, then they shouldn't interfere. Avara has a nice system of anarchy going that holds the community in line. Anarchy may seem like a bad thing, but it really works in this case. If the tracker is plagued by some idiot who crashes every single server, Avara can still defend itself by turing level load off until the guy gets bored. That is a worst case scenario example of something that has never happened but is still easily combatted. Ambrosia should just leave Avara alone rather than banning people who are only helping the community. I'd rather have servers and skilled players out there and have a the idiotic ######s crashed than have servers shut down and less skilled players with the idiotic ######s free to roam.
Avara has taken care of itself over the years, the fact that there is a community of players still out there is proff of that. This isn't a game like UT or Q3 where hardly anyone knows a specific person and if one is banned there are fifty more to take his place. This is a tight-knit community of players who have stuck by their game and delt with everything themselves. Ambrosia should just leave it alone as they have done in the past. It really does work.

Knowledge is power, but ignorance is bliss.

Oh man it was so simple for me to get unbanned and I didn't even do it.

I'm Sorry for not giving you my IP...


Haha, I feel so dumb now.

and on that note- locking topic.

A few of you out there need to take your naps now.

This signature is funny. Please read it again.


Originally posted by Missile Man:
**Well, I suppose I do know what I did. I crashed morons like Yo because they repeatedly harassed me. I won't deny crashing them, and I won't denie that I probably deserved to be banned. However the way in which it was done was wrong. I was never told that I was banned, I had extreme troubles even contacting Ambrosia, and after I did I learned that David Dunham is a stuck up ******* who won't even tell me what I am accused of doing.

So let me get this straight. You were purposefully crashing someone else who was playing Avara, and you can't figure out why you were banned? So much for our educational system.

Note to missile man: if you hadn't acted like a jerk, and gone out of your way to call attention to yourself in a negative way, you never would have been banned. However, you couldn't manage this, and now have to deal with the consequences.


Originally posted by Missile Man:
I'm sorry for paying $20 for your game in 1996 when it came out. I'm sorry for making levels which helped your game. I'm sorry for writing an instruction manual on how to play your game better. I'm sorry for teaching countless people how to play your game. I'm sorry for spending hundreds of hours playing your game, getting good at your game, becoming members and eventually leaders of clans in your game.

Is this an apology, or self-aggrandizement? Paying $20 over 5 years ago does not entitle you to treat people like crap, nor does it entitle you to insult the people at Ambrosia, and other Avara players, just because you don't get your way.


Originally posted by Missile Man:
**I'm sorry that I crashed jerks who deserved it. Well actually, i'm not sorry about that part. But I am sorry about everything else. Now please reinstate my tracker access as was agreed to by David Dunham.

No, your tracker access will not be re-instated. If anything, the diatribe you've posted has convinced me that it should remain in place.


Originally posted by Missile Man:
And don't try anything like saying "that's not what we meant by an apology". Because that was an apology. You never told me what to apologize for, never told me what I could apologize for because you never actually told me what I did to get banned. I only guessed at that. So as per agreed, the IP should now have access to the Avara tracker. Thank you for your time. If anyone would like copies of the e-mail conversation between myself and Ambrosia's representative, David Dunham, you can e-mail me at

um... no, your IP will not be unbanned, and your abuse of David, who was just doing is job, will not be tolerated.

I've some advice for you, Missile Man: grow up. The way you were acting in Avara got you banned in the first place; the way you are acting here and not is keeping that ban firmly in place.

Further flames and insults will do nothing other than strengthen our resolve to keep you banned. Consider your position.

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.

<< Further flames and insults will do nothing other than strengthen our resolve to keep you banned. Consider your position. >>

What's keeping me banned? What GOT me banned?

How come you're only addressing him but ignoring me? Is it cause you know you made a mistake with me and refuse to accept it? Looks like it to me.


I would have to agree with that last statement by Hons.
Andrew: I am not the issue here. I didn't come to your web board asking to be unbanned. Neither did sphinx. We are here to request that you unban Edgar Hons.. He never crashed anybody. You unrightfully banned him. He is the issue here. Stop ignoring the topic: getting Edgar Hons unbanned.

(edited by Taz!. MM: change your sig file please.)

(This message has been edited by Taz! (edited 12-08-2001).)


Originally posted by Missile Man:
**I would have to agree with that last statement by Hons.
Andrew: I am not the issue here. I didn't come to your web board asking to be unbanned. Neither did sphinx. We are here to request that you unban Edgar Hons.. He never crashed anybody. You unrightfully banned him. He is the issue here. Stop ignoring the topic: getting Edgar Hons unbanned.

Hey "Missile Man" -- your demands mean nothing to me. You are doing more to damage Edgar's hope of being unbanned than helping it by arrogantly making demands of what should be done.

sigh I guess it is time for a web board banning as well. ::click::

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.

<< Hey "Missile Man" -- your demands mean nothing to me. You are doing more to damage Edgar's hope of being unbanned than helping it by arrogantly making demands of what should be done. >>

So when someone else says something, you use it against me?

Oh wait you're an Ambrosia employee, I was thinkin you used some common sense there for a minute, haha silly me.



Originally posted by andrew:
**Hey "Missile Man" -- your demands mean nothing to me. You are doing more to damage Edgar's hope of being unbanned than helping it by arrogantly making demands of what should be done.

sigh I guess it is time for a web board banning as well. ::click::


Wow. To think that I was actually going to register a product for a second there.

You sicken me, andrew. You know nothing about Avara yet you pretend to, and make actions based on your lack of knowledge. You have no idea who MM or Edgar are.
I thought Ambrosia was different for a long while. I thought they actually cared about something. At least I can see with my eyes fully open now.

Knowledge is power, but ignorance is bliss.

Something tells me that you should register for Avara regardless of your observations on this webboard Defender. I get the feeling that you're rationalizing your abstinence from actually buying the game by joining the harangues against Ambrosia (assuming that youŐve been playing for a month and that your money is overdue)

I think it should pointed out that that Juri Munkii makes profit for every copy bought--and Ambrosia has done a lot for the game regardless of most of the crap that people throw the company nowadays.

  1. Ambrosia is the reason Avara is an internet game--they also provided beta testers and graphics ("marketability": logo, etc.)

  2. The existence of Avara 1.0.0, though an incredible game by your standards and my standards, does not imply a sequel though Ambrosia is probably obligated to fix bugs (so people who have registered can play). This has been followed, right?

  3. Ambrosia DOES provide a tracker (note: 100% free)--which is a privilege NOT AT ALL included in the mind-blowingly paltry $20 dollar registration fee. Thus, technically they can discriminate whatever goes on in their tracker much in the same way that if you ran a FTP server to share files you have the right not to give damn if you bar somebody from accessing it who really wants to.

Restatement: Avara deserves every penny of the $20 you have apparently refused to part with. This whole thing got started from a mistake (however understandable, but thatŐs irrelevant) and somehow itŐs gotten into an outlet for unrelated, unwarranted spewings against Ambrosia.

Still, Edgar should be immediately unbanned. His only crime is demonstrating the theory of frustration-aggression J --yeah it probably wouldŐve helped if he wasnŐt so damned inflammatory. And yes I want to 0wn him when he gets back on the tracker.


If you'll remove your lips from andrew's ass for a monent, I'll try to form a reply.


Originally posted by Urughtaed:
**Something tells me that you should register for Avara regardless of your observations on this webboard Defender. I get the feeling that you're rationalizing your abstinence from actually buying the game by joining the harangues against Ambrosia (assuming that youŐve been playing for a month and that your money is overdue)

You obviously haven't been around long (assuming that you've played the game at all).


Originally posted by Urughtaed:
I think it should pointed out that that Juri Munkii makes profit for every copy bought--and Ambrosia has done a lot for the game regardless of most of the crap that people throw the company nowadays.

Juri is the only reason I would ever register Avara. Ambrosia's only two significant contributions to Avara have been it's initial distribution and the tracker.


Originally posted by Urughtaed:

  1. Ambrosia is the reason Avara is an internet game--they also provided beta testers and graphics ("marketability": logo, etc.)

Yes, they are fully willing to contribute to the game when it still might make money. Can't truely blame them for that, though.


Originally posted by Urughtaed:
2) The existence of Avara 1.0.0, though an incredible game by your standards and my standards, does not imply a sequel though Ambrosia is probably obligated to fix bugs (so people who have registered can play). This has been followed, right?

I do not need or want a sequal to Avara. There has been a single update to Avara.


Originally posted by Urughtaed:
3) Ambrosia DOES provide a tracker (note: 100% free)--which is a privilege NOT AT ALL included in the mind-blowingly paltry $20 dollar registration fee. Thus, technically they can discriminate whatever goes on in their tracker much in the same way that if you ran a FTP server to share files you have the right not to give damn if you bar somebody from accessing it who really wants to.

Yes, their only continueing contributions are the tracker and headaches. Both of which are free. I wouldn't put too much into that $20 price tag though.


Originally posted by Urughtaed:
Restatement: Avara deserves every penny of the $20 you have apparently refused to part with. This whole thing got started from a mistake (however understandable, but thatŐs irrelevant) and somehow itŐs gotten into an outlet for unrelated, unwarranted spewings against Ambrosia.

Thank you, I needed a good laugh. You obviously haven't been around when you say that all this was started by their mistake. Yes, this curret activity is, but tensions have always existed between the Avara community and Ambrosia. And their mistake is not understandable or acceptable. If they wish to start banning people left and right, they should at least research it. But, that would require them to give of their time. Its much easier to just ban people and not have to worry about it.


Originally posted by Urughtaed:
Still, Edgar should be immediately unbanned. His only crime is demonstrating the theory of frustration-aggression J --yeah it probably wouldŐve helped if he wasnŐt so damned inflammatory. And yes I want to 0wn him when he gets back on the tracker.

Edgar should never have been banned in the first place. So, obviously, he should be unbanned immediately with acompaning apology.

Knowledge is power, but ignorance is bliss.


Originally posted by Defender:
**If you'll remove your lips from andrew's ass for a monent, I'll try to form a reply.

Stooping to sophomoric personal attack just shows a lack of perspective. Good start. I'm here for what looks like to be a impossible cause, which is having you realize/admit the fallacy of your reasons for not registering Avara. And it's because I appreciate the game.


**You obviously haven't been around long (assuming that you've played the game at all).

Marvelous assumption. Yes, I "obviously" haven't--my eyes have been opened. I don't understand why you completely ignore the point of the paragraph (being addressed) and instead respond to it without any hint of pertinence.


**Juri is the only reason I would ever register Avara. Ambrosia's only two significant contributions to Avara have been it's initial distribution and the tracker.

So the 19 people other than Juri on "credits" screen did two things: "initial distribution" and the "tracker." Look here: Avara was originally a solo runaround game in need of beta testing and levels. Unfortunately, on this point you are guilty of your own accusation: knowing nothing about Avara yet pretending to.


**Yes, their only continueing contributions are the tracker and headaches. Both of which are free. I wouldn't put too much into that $20 price tag though.

So one of the reasons you haven't registered is because Ambrosia isn't "continueing to contribute" ? Hmm, did you even read or think about what I wrote? 1) Somehow you manage to ignore/or are blind to the fact (that I established above) that Ambrosia has no obligation, NONE, to anything concerning Avara as long as it's bug free. 2) Thus, the $20 is for the game only and absolutely nothing else, meaning that if you play it you should register (which apparently you have) 3) Even if "continueing to contribute" was part of the $20, you don't reveal what "contributing" is supposed to be, if anything. Headaches? How can you, as unregistered ("expired"), even begin to complain? Being shareware, Avara is free to people who refuse to pay.

Edgar's case was a definite mistake, I granted that already. Again, Ambrosia wasn't made any more happy about fixing Edgar's condition when Edgar and Co. came with guns blazing against Ambrosia in general. Along with the fact that the tracker is pure privilege, getting loud and angry wasn't such a great idea (as it's proven by Ambrosia's initial reactions). And I doubt that they chose to ignore Edgar--rather, obvious situational explanations have been ignored which would explain Ambrosia's not addressing Edgar quickly. So, before Taz! or andrew even begin to address the problems, they're already being deluged with ugly and even unwarranted crap--which doesn't exactly make people respond in a friendly, enthusiastic, or apologetic manner.

YES, banning Edgar was a mistake, and keeping him still banned is also--basically speaking. Heh Defender, it's amusing to see you cite the "he started it" argument. But it makes me sick to see you try to use this whole deal for a flimsy attack on Ambrosia which in turn is used as justification to screw the obvious and evident concept of paying-for-playing. Rank.


<< Still, Edgar should be immediately unbanned. His only crime is demonstrating the theory of frustration-aggression J --yeah it probably wouldŐve helped if he wasnŐt so damned inflammatory. And yes I want to 0wn him when he gets back on the tracker. >>

Thank you. Ambrosia, take a hint from this guy. He may not be for my aggression here, but he understands it and knows I deserve to be unbanned. THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN ANDREW!

