Avara Essentials?

"What level sets do I need?"

Since I've heard that question several times in the past few days, and my response, of "All of them" didn't seem to go over too well, I've decided to assemble an Avara Essentials collections of level sets. (Not a new set, just several old sets in one download.) I was wondering what the Avara community thought were the most important and vital levels. Clearly the AA sets and the Geezer sets still get played a lot. What other sets are played often?


I break things...

the only other stuff people play are the built in's to Avara aftershock.


Sounds right to me. I would like to suggest PastaBravo be added to that list. It's an oldie, but still played. You might even consider BlockParty. I see people playing Emotion and Fosfori fairly often, too. (Then again, I've been seeing people play A Bridge Too Far, which HAS to be just a fad.) Also, if you're willing to delve really old, it would be nice for some of the newer players to get a taste of Blind and Castle Anthrax.


D'Keeper wrote:
Sounds right to me. I would like to suggest PastaBravo be added to that list. It's an oldie, but still played. You might even consider BlockParty. I see people playing Emotion and Fosfori fairly often, too. (Then again, I've been seeing people play A Bridge Too Far, which HAS to be just a fad.) Also, if you're willing to delve really old, it would be nice for some of the newer players to get a taste of Blind and Castle Anthrax.

I can't believe I forgot PastaBravo!! That is my all time favorite level set!


So now we have

(This message has been edited by Kniq (edited 04-09-2000).)

Blind and Castle Anthrax...I used to love those leves. I know I still have Blind...


Dont forget hunting grounds 1.2 and Kalium. 🙂


I can't remember if it got played much, but how about Avara Collection 1?

Kyle "Vader" Blessing