All modem players (56k and under) READ

Who was avara made for at the start? The average joe with a pking 28.8 I belive. so then how did it become a thing for the rich kid with a T3? Dont they have beter things to do than kick us when we have a lt of 5 or even 2? Even sucky player with ISDN are getting kicked alot less then the pros with 56k. High speed has given the right to kick us modem guys some how. It has gone to far, egos have become rampent. I am asking now all modem players ignore all the high speed players compleatly and only play other modems. Put the egos in thier place right now, show them that they dont rule the tracker, we do. I may have a problem with lag, but only when it starts f'ing with the game.

We must draw a line now, it goes to far when we are mouthed, put down, and talked about behind our backs (I have poped in server at the wrong time some times anf snatched some words) and even DOSed from mass pings. We must take a needle to thier inflated egos and pop them. I dont give a hell coin over thier lines, thier lines dont make them great players, thier gaming dose. Im asking alot from you now I know but you must put up with some lag my fellow modem users. I may seem crazy I'm just <b> fed up </b> with this stupid "Im on a t3 your on a 56k, your nothing." tudes.

If you want me Ill be doing something about the egos.

Ah to the Shadow I embrace, I become of.

When Avara first came out, I played on a 14.4 - there was never any lag. Peroid. Bloody snobs.
-david- (a.k.a. Atca20)

Graphics. Games. And more...
(url="http://"")Meowx Design Studios(/url)

Dude, I am on DSL, but before I was on DSL I was on a 28.8, then a 56k.
Not all of us are snobs as you put it, cuz we were all in the same position you are. So please don't diss us before you know us. There are plenty of dudes with good attitudes that are my friends that are on ISDN or T1 taht I knew BEFORE I got DSL. The only snobs that are on ISDN+ that I know of are some of the AA members, (the more rude ones) cuz they have been on ISDN+ for sooo stinkin long that they forget what it is to have a 28.8 And no one can tell me that when you have a roster full of 56ker's it will run smooth. I know this cuz I got my DSL last month, and I still remember what a 56k game is like. But that's just my opinion.

-Kyle "Vader" Blessing

Nice idea, with only one fault: all the good players don't use modems :frown:. After a certain level you just can't play other modems and still have anyone who can touch you. (not to mention that after a certain level you can't get better without LT 2, and some even LT 1)

Circular number lines: dare I say, "Wow!"

I think you're going just a little over the top here, SirShadow.

My connection is 56k, and I haven't had serious lag problems, but I generally don't join servers with more than 3 other players, either.

I'm not going to limit myself to just playing against modem-connected folks - the tracker is bare enough as it is. I've never been badmouthed because of my connection speed.

But, if you're serious about this, just run your server, and boot anybody with a low LT. Of course, you pretty much guarantee that all your games will be lag-ridden...



Originally posted by MacAran:
Nice idea, with only one fault: all the good players don't use modems

Technically, everyone uses a modem to access the Internet, because some conversion of signal is required. Well, unless they're hooked directly into a network on a campus, that is.

As to the snobbery, don't let it bother you. Ignore it. THEY are not worth the worry, nor the concern. Why? Because when those players who insist on low LTs play higher LT games, they usually suck, and they know it. It all comes down to what gives you the best entertainment; how you can have the most fun.

It takes skill to win a three or four person LT4 game. True, it's a different kind of skill, but a skill nevertheless.

When you're right 90% of the time, you can disregard the other 3%

(This message has been edited by Taz! (edited 04-28-2000).)