
Hi there, I'm trying out this game to waste my last few days before school starts.

What are the codes to this game?

See I'm the king of the swingers, the Jungle V.I.P.,
But I've reached the top and had to stop,
And that's what's
botherin' me.

I'm at a loss to the point of cheating in's a very easy game.

"==drake", "==lotto", "==fsst", "wazzit"

if (brain.exists == false) {SysBeep(50); ExitToShell(); }
(url="http://"")Ares Axis(/url) Admin
(url="http://"")MaGLeague(/url) Ares Admin

Thanks. I know it's very easy, but it's fun to be able to rush an enemy planet with hundreds of fighters.

This topic has reached the end of it's usefulness. The moderators are now free to throw their weight around.

See I'm the king of the swingers, the Jungle V.I.P.,
But I've reached the top and had to stop,
And that's what's
botherin' me.

